Chapter One: Is any maths teacher who they say they are??

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Robins point of view

Jem turns around and waves at me "see you at the celebration tomorrow Ro!".

Jack does the same "see ya."

They are stopped by a figure standing in the doorway, a figure dressed all in black with a black mask with a purple logo on his chest... that logo looks familiar., it looks like... a clock... omg...

"Well they never held a celebration for me...", the figure says crossing their arms and leaning in the doorway.

I jump off the sofa and walk over to the door "Time Taker?", I yell slightly.

He moves to take off his mask... no way...

Me and Jems eyes widen in shock and yell simultaneously "MR THOMPSON!".

"You could just call me Alex", he says with a chuckle.

Jem stares at the teacher in shock, "is any maths teacher who they say they are??",

Mr Tho... Time... Alex... chuckles, "yea... I heard about what happened".

I cross my arms, slightly upset, "where have you been? I mean hi nice to see you... but  WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" I yell waving my arms around.

Mr... Alex crosses his arms and scowls at me, "Miss Swift... don't raise your voice in class... wait we are not in class... whoops... old habits".

Jack smirks as he looks at me and Jem, "So, yesterday your maths teacher was a supervillain... now they're a least it's an upgrade..." he says barely able to hold back his laughter.

"We could have used your help..." Finn says looking at the ground.

A sad look falls on the teacher's face "I'm sorry I know what you went though..." he says looking at each of us before laning on Finn "... all of you..."

There was a short time of silence until Max spoke up "How?".

"What?" Alex asks looking over at the blonde boy.

"How do you know... you weren't there..." Max answers with an angry look on his face.

Alex notices his expression, "I know but I promise I wanted to help you guys..." he laughs nervously "but look you handled it..."

"Yea... still could've used your help...", I retort.

Alex getting slightly aggravated from all our questions and comments "I know but... I kinda did help..."

Confused by that I asked him "What do you mean?".

He smirks, the aggravated look leaving his face, "you'll find out... this is by far the end of the story... just the beginning of a new one.

"Hopefully with a lot less evil maths teachers", Finn says crossing his arms, a small pout on his face.

"Hey, not all maths teachers are evil!", Mr Thompson says with a scoff.

I let out a small chuckle, "that's debatable"

Mr Thompson glares at me, "Hey... I was a good maths teacher... didn't give you too much homework..." his sentence just mumbled by the end.

Jem smirks, "You never marked it on time anyway..."

"I'm sorry I was too busy saving the city, to mark you quadratics homework", he says crossing his arms and pouting, similar to the way Finn had.

Max, who had been strangely quiet, suddenly speaks up "hang on... isn't anyone going to ask how he found us and how he knows so much about us?" he says looking suspiciously at Mr Thompson.

Time Taker, takes no time to answer, "oh, that's easy he told me..." he says pointing at the person across the room.

Everyone turns around to look at Jack, who looks just as shocked as the others in the room.

Jack flings his arms defensively up in front of him "WHAT! No I didn't!".

Everyone looks back at Mr Thompson, who smirks "yes you did... just not yet...".

Jack slowly lowers his arms "Uh...".

Mr Thompson shakes his head and laughs slightly in amusement, "guys... you all know I'm a time traveller..."

"Yea..." I say starting to catch on to what's going on, but before I could say anything, Finn beats me too it.

"So you're from the future?... a future where you know us?" he asks the time traveller.

Mr Thompson leans on the door frame of the treehouse before answering, "Yep... I'm here to make sure this goes smoothly..." he says using his head to gesture towards the monitor on the desk.

Once again confused, "what do you mean...?", I asked the once maths teacher.

He moves from the doorway with a more serious look on his face as he looks at his watch "In 5 minutes I'm going to send a message on the frequency of your masks... I'm here to make sure you answer it..."

Confusion not going away, i ask him the same question, "what do you mean?... why wouldn't we answer it?".

"I don't know... I'm just repeating what you told me I said..." He answers with a shrug.

Max put his head in his hands and mumbles something, but I managed to catch it "my head still hurts..."

I look back at the superhero by the door "so let me get this straight..." my sentence is cut off by a noise coming from the computer and the communication system for masks is displayed.

I look over to where Mr Thompson was, or should I say previously was.

"He's gone..." Jem says, noticing where I was looking, it was then that a voice came out of the computer, that sounded like Mr Thompson?... but he seems different to how he just was.

The voice continued to speak... shout at us, this must be the message that Mr Thompson was telling us about the other one anyway, uhhh time travel hurts, who the hell's frequency is this... come on... you ameuters... PHOBIA can easily hack into this..."

Realising that this was a two-way communication, i decided to question this new version of our previous maths teacher, "How do we know that PHOBIA hasn't already hacked into this... also what is PHOBIA? We keep hearing that but no one is explaining what it is!

Jack looks down guiltily, "I know what PHOBIA is..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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Powers and Phobias Series: Book Two: Taking Our TimeWhere stories live. Discover now