{ one }

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tuesday, may 5th, 2020
5:35 p.m.
wrong number?

kat 🌞

kat i know that you just got a new number & all

but if you don't get me my icecream i will literally slap the FUCK out of u
read 5:32 p.m.

kat 🌞
what flavor?

you should know asshole

i get it every time

kat 🌞
well i don't, sorry 😂

WAIT ur not kat

she would NEVER use that local emoji

oh shit

i typed the wrong number


contact name changed to: stranger danger

stranger danger
aw i though i could keep trolling you ):

oh my god

this isn't kat's number

which means she's not gonna bring me my icecream

do i cry now or later

contact name changed to: whiney 5 year old

stranger danger
what are you, five?

you're not gonna die if you don't get icecream

whiney 5 year old
i'm actually 20 asshole

& yes i will die if i don't get my icecream

stranger danger
imagine being 20 lol

whiney 5 year old
what are you, 60? am i talking to a perv???

stranger danger
first of all, that'd be a stupid question to ask if you were talking to an actual perv

but no i'm 21

legal age for the club 😎

whiney 5 year old
i didn't ask for your negativity perv

you don't belong in the club

the club is only for attractive people

stranger danger
stop calling me that i am not a perv

who's says i'm not attractive?

whiney 5 year old
how am i supposed to know that?

you could be 69 for all i know

me, i say so

stranger danger
69 funny number

i cant argue with that

anyways, what's your name stranger?

whiney 5 year old
and you're calling ME the 5 year old?

woah woah woah chill

what if ur a murderer?

stranger danger
you ask a lot of stupid questions

if i wanted to murder you, i
could've already done it

whiney 5 year old
i will not tolerate this slander wtf

i'm athena, wbu?

contact name changed to: athena 🌚

stranger danger
i'd rather keep it mysterious

makes it fun

well it was nice talking to you athena, but i have to go to sound check rn

i hope you get your icecream!

athena 🌚


you are 69 AREN'T U???
read 6:15 p.m.

&& authors note,
im sorry for how bad this is, i
didn't originally plan on this type
of story HAHA. don't call the
number btw, it is very much made
up and i have no clue whose it
is so! honestly i don't even know
if i'll keep this story, or change it
to a dream fanfic. i have trouble
updating because i get writer's
block very easily, but i'll let you
guys know what i decide!


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