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the essay

F. Scott Fitzgerald once said:  "I love you, and that's the beginning and the end of everything."

As someone who loves many things—my family, my friends, the power of words and voices, films and books—I never quite understood that something was missing in me. That in this wide and incredible life I could need something more.

I've never really been one to ask for more than what I've got. I've been lucky enough to feel that I had everything I needed and that whatever I didn't have couldn't be that important, or else it would have come to me. Or I'd crave it. Yearn so earnestly for it. Because that's what happens when you're missing  something. You hunger for it, you lay insatiable while whatever you desire meanders somewhere else. And all you do is think.

I didn't realise I was missing something until I met her. Until I looked upon that porcelain face and, even if I didn't realise it yet, loved her completely. It's hard not to love a part of you once estranged but now returned. Your soulmate, the one who completes you so effortlessly, so transcendently. Not many meet their soulmate in their lifetime—sometimes it takes multiple lifetimes before the pieces of you can be drawn back together. But when you do, something in you is solved.

Princess Alice Louise May Windsor-Chamberlin. She solved me. She's the part of me I've been unwittingly missing. The part of me that pushes and that challenges and that loves so deeply I can't even breathe.

F. Scott Fitzgerald was right, because when I met her it was the beginning of everything. It was the beginning of my new chapter. I was braver with her, she made me brave. She listened to me, took all of me in and didn't even flinch because it didn't scare her. All of my traits, all of my flaws. My idiotic desire to constantly please people, my low self-esteem, the ridiculous energy and even worse filter. She got it all and hugged it tight and made it her own. Made me her own.

All the while, she still struggled to do the same for herself. And that's the biggest injustice to me.

This essay is supposed to be about something important. And she is my something important. My Princess, my all. She's the shooting star you wait for in the night. A girl just desperate for some reprieve. She hides in the mask she's given, thinking it's her place, thinking it's where she deserves to be, belittled and hidden. And god—it's not.

I have failed her, I didn't show her enough, didn't tell her enough, didn't tell her how brave she was. And not just the brave she was on the outside, all hard glares and defensive wit. I mean on the inside; the heart of pure gold, the spine of determination and a soul full of dreams. She's made of courage. It's in everything she does and still she fails to see it.

I love her for everything she is. I willingly hold her hand and share what she feels because it is what I must do. When we are together, we should be comforted by the notion that we are not alone we are home. And that in the eve of her flame, I will still be there and she in mine. Because that's what love is. A bond that transcends, a promise of forever that carries on the wind and takes us to wherever.

And in my future, I am going to grow old with my something important. We are going to be each others muse and we will inspire, we will ignite and most importantly, we will love—truly, honestly, and completely.

Because that's all we can do. That will be my legacy, loving her and everything else, as much as I can for as long as I can.

I have but one message for her, my important:

"I ask you to pass through life at my side - to be my second self, and best earthly companion." — Charlotte Bronte

Forever and always.

— Luna Elizabeth March


Hi readers who have chanced upon this little snippet. Thank you for sparing it a chance, it means the world to me.

This is a snippet from a book I'm working on and I am honestly putting my blood, sweat and tears into this one. I want it to be as authentic and as detailed as physically possible. However, I've been doubting it lately so I thought I'd post a little snippet, see if it gets any type of reaction—I know how silly.

It's honestly just to see how people respond to it. I'm not sure if the book will posted on here or not. That remains to be seen.

Anyways, thank you all! Have a nice day x

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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