A sudden gust blows through and collects all the wood scraps to build a large lodge right in front of Man-wol and the mysterious tree. From afar, Mago comments that the Moon Lodge has met its new owner. She opens up the wooden coffin — full of bloody swords and ornaments — and tells the spirits that she will escort them to their resting spot. Then, she leads the horse on the night road lit by fireflies.

In the year 1998, a father (cameo by Oh Ji-ho) apologizes to his son for not getting him anything for his birthday, and the son assures him that it's okay. A couple passing by drops money, and when Dad tries to claim it in finders keepers style, the son shakes his head and returns the money to the couple.

The modernized Mago appears (this time as a women peddling flowers) and commends the boy's righteous actions, and Dad tries to wave her off. The woman tells the boy that his father is his misfortune, but she assures him that the suffering in early years will balance out to great fortune in the future.

Dad tries to dismiss the crazy flower seller and promises his son a birthday present. But the precocious young lad assures Dad that he doesn't need anything special for his birthday and requests that Dad not do anything dangerous to make money.

Then, they're interrupted by police sirens and an emergency search in the waterfront. The first responders carry a dead body out of the water, and the spirit also emerges and sees her own dead body. She also spots her potential perpetrator in the group of nosy spectators. Then, she looks to the full moon and disintegrates to dust.

In a sleek dress, Man-wol walks into her office, where we see photos of her and the lodge throughout the years, dating back to the early 1900s. She sees the full moon from her window, and her assistant, Manager Noh, notes that the full moon will attract many guests tonight. Man-wol seems annoyed by the impending flood of these bothersome spirits and tells Manager Noh to open for business.

Prickly Man-wol shares that the full moon always puts her in a bad mood, but she's especially cranky today. She orders Manager Noh to reject any spirits who've had extremely unnatural deaths. but Manager Noh calmly responds that they shouldn't discriminate against customers but promises to keep these unfortunate spirits out of Man-wol's sight.

Man-wol glares at the full moon and curses at this repulsive sight. The lodge opens for business, with the Hotel del Luna sign flickering on and the building unfolding into a large castle under the bright full moon.

In the night streets, Dad flees from the police with a chunky bag in his hands. He trips and rolls down a flight of stairs, and his body seems to go limp. But he gets right up, rubbing his head, and he runs off with the cash from the register.

While running through the streets, Dad notices Hotel del Luna and hesitates to walk into the building in case he needs to pay. As he dusts off his jacket and ties his shoes to look appropriate for this fancy place, the drowned ghost enters the hotel. The receptionist asks how long it's been since she's died, and she estimates around ten days. Dad watches them from outside and then follows them up the elevator to a large fancy lobby.

In the lobby, Dad sits across from the drowned water ghost and asks if they need to pay to just sit there. Water Ghost doesn't know since it's also her first time at the hotel, and Dad asks how she got so wet. Ghost says that she was in the Han River, and Dad finds that curious

Water Ghost notices the blood behind Dad's ear and asks how he injured himself. Dad explains that he rolled down the stairs and flinches when he touches the injury. At the end of the stairs, we see Dad's limp body with blood pooling around his head and his finger flinching ever so slightly. Wait, is he dead or alive?

Receptionist JI HYUN-JOONG (Block B's Pyo Ji-hoon) notifies Manager Noh that they've received their first water ghost in a while. Manager Noh tells Hyun-joong to escort the water ghost to a room as soon as possible to keep the unpleasant sight away from owner Man-wol. Then, Dad walks by and briefly makes awkward eye contact before scooting away
Manager Noh recognizes that Dad doesn't belong at the hotel because he's not dead yet and orders Receptionist Hyun-joong to quickly usher this unintended guest out of the hotel before Man-wol kills him. As Dad walks by a fancy vase with a gold snake, he's tempted to steal it but decides that he has other priorities for now. As he runs off, the gold snake comes to life and follows him.

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