Chapter 1 - I hate talking to you.

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Roxi was sitting in the corner of her room. Trying to block everything out. The dark mist was swirling around her and she was crying. 

"You're pathetic." She heard the same voice she heard so many times from somewhere in the room. But it wasn't in the room. She knew that. It was in her head.

The dark mist that swirled around her picked up speed and she hugged her knees tighter. She felt like running, but she'd done that so much already. Where would she run to? There was no where else to go.

"No one would know." That same voice had said, it seemed to be moving, pacing, from one side of the room to the other. The room itself tooked like a bomb sight. The beed was a mess, books sprawn everywhere, penciels and papers snaped and ripped. 

Roxi had tried her best not to listen. The words that had echoed in her head for so long. So many times. Always in that dark corner of her mind, behind the door she had tried to keep closed. 

She closed her eyes tightly. "Go away you're no real, just go away you're-" she had mumbled but was cut off when she felt something- someone, grab her arm.

"Not real am I? I'm as real as they come." the voice, now with it's physical being that only Roxi could ever see, or so everyone told her, began to squeeze her arm. Tighter and tighter. 

Roxi wimpered, the mist, the fast, dark swirles of magic could't protect her. Not from this. Not from her. No, never from her. Roxi had felt herself being yanked to her feet and being pulled away from her small corner of the room. Her only sanctuary. 

Roxi tried to fight back. The more she tried the more she felt tired and dizzy. The want to give in growing stronger and stronger until-

There was a knock at the door. It sounded so faint and yet it cought her attention. Making her look at her bedroom door. There was another knock, she looked to find the figure that had her arm and saw that it was gone.

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