March 22 2020

16 1 0

Guess what.. THINGS GOT WORSE. Now we have something called a stay at home order. Gosh, maybe this is the apocalypse and I just don't realize it. This year hasn't been so great though. Something bad has happened just about every month. Here, let me show you:

January: a drone was sighted in the US and shot down, turns out the drone was from a foreign country and people thought that we would have a world war 3.

February: two shootings happened in one day. There were huge wildfires that started in Australia and thousands of acres of land burned

March: Corona came to ohio, tons of people started getting sick, and now we are all basically on house arrest.

Fun right? No, not at all. Anyway, regarding the stay at home order, we arent supposed to leave the house to go anywhere anymore. If you do leave the house, you can only go one at a time. We really need some positivity, everyone is down in the dumps and people are kind of emptying stores for their doomsday bunkers. Many people my age seem to just spend all day on social media and not do anything. My whole family tries to make me go outside but if I do all I feel is cabin fever. If you don't know what that is, its basically when you really want to leave the house and you're tired of being in it. Ive got it, pretty bad to be honest. Because of corona I wasn't even able to do anything for saint Patricks day. Not that it matters now. So far this journal has been pretty depressing. Ill try to liven it up. Here goes nothing. After I finished my homework for the day I was able to take a bike ride around the neighborhood. Theres nothin like a pandemic to make you notice everything around you. Its still pretty chilly outside even though its spring. None of the flowers have bloomed and it even snowed once. I am so ready for summer. Even if we're still in quarantine, at least it will be warm. Thats all i can ask for right now. Im running out of ideas to write for the day, so I guess I should finish this entry off. This is Sydney Hawthorn, signing off. Until next time.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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Pandemic: Life After the OutbreakUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum