March 19 2020

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As you may know by now the virus hasn't gotten better in a few days. Six days doesn't just make it disappear. probably sounds pretty depressing, Right? Well, its the truth. My parents sent me to go with other family cus they think Ill be safer and at less of a risk. Personally I thing that corona is the least of my worries, Im still pretty ticked that the play might get cancelled. Other than that we now have a crapload of homework to do online from home. Ughhhhh. Honestly, I don't get it, just because we aren't physically in class doesn't mean we need three times as much homework. Not all that much has happened since I last wrote. The school cancellation will last two weeks but we go back in three because spring break. Not that we can do anything anyway, malls are closed, restaurants are closed, we are encouraged not to travel. Basically anything fun, I cant do. All I have now is FaceTime if I want to talk to people. Even though we are technically still aloud to see people, everyone is too paranoid to do so. Funny thing is, even though no one really leaves the house anymore except for groceries and pharmaceuticals, nobody picks up the phone. Actually, speaking if the grocery store, EVERYBODY IS TAKING ALL THE FREAKING TOILET PAPER. Seriously though, who needs that much TP. Humanity is crazy, everyone is preparing for the heckin apocalypse when we are really just stuck inside for a while.*sigh* At least it cant get any worse than this

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