"Hey, how's she doing?" Someone asked behind me. I turned my attention to the voice, finding who the voice belonged to. It was Josh, with Tyler standing behind him. 
"Looks like she's doing better. We're waiting for EMT's to arrive so that they can take her to the hospital." I said, focusing my attention back on the girl. I felt as if i took my eyes off of her for more than a minute, she would start a downward spiral. 
"How long is that going to be?" Josh asked. I didn't shift my attention this time. 
"Any minute now. Hopefully." 

"We can stay, right?" He paused as i turned to give him a quizzical look. "It doesn't seem right that we come over, check on her and then leave. Ya know?"
"Yeah, I know. That's why i'm still here. I should have been out there. Nothing else happened right?"I asked, panic filling my insides as soon i realized there could have been a reason as to why Seb had come back here in the first place.
"Nope. Everything went smoothly. Everyone just kind of chilled out after you came backstage." Tyler said. It felt very weird with them standing in the door way.
I nodded. "Hey if you want to sit down, there are chairs and stuff everywhere." I said, motioning so that they could sit down. Tyler sat in one of the nurses swivvle chairs, spinning around until he got dizzy. Josh decided to stand by me. It was quiet besides the constant beeping of the monitor and Tyler moving around on the chair. 
"I really wish there were things that we could do to prevent this kind of stuff." Josh said, catching my attention.
"I do too. Not everyone thinks that concerts really do take out a lot of your energy. It gets hot and.." I didn't have to finish my statement for Josh to understand what i was talking about. 
"I get you." I smiled lightly at him. There was another silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, cause that's what most people think when people don't talk for periods of time. We basically watched the female, preyed on her basically, looking for any indication that she would wake up with us in the room. The only thing that indicated that she was still alive was of course the portable device that indicated that she had a pulse and the rise and fall of her chest. 

"Rayne." Someone said quietly. They sounded like they were down the hall a bit. I shifted my attention to the voice. It was Andrea.
"Oh, hey! What's up 'Drea?" I said, as a smile crept upon my features.
"Quinn and Reese were wondering if you- you guys wanna go out for food?" She sounded out of breath. Almost like she was running.
"Uhm.. sure. In like 15 minutes. I want to make sure she get's with the EMT's alright." I said, pausing to look at Josh and glancing at Tyler who looked pale from spinning so much. Dear lord, you man child. "You guys wanna come?"
"Only if it's Taco Bell." Tyler shouted, he winced. Probably from a headache that he caused himself from spinning so much. I hushed him and went to go aid him. Josh chuckled.
"We can do Taco Bell. Let me go tell them then. We'll be out front, we can walk since it's down the street a few blocks."
"Sounds good. See you in a bit." I said, handing Tyler two Tylenol pills and a Dixie cup of water. He looked at me and graciously took the pills. 
"Yep. Hey, you're EMT's are here." She said, skipping away. 

Tyler, Josh and I stepped to the side as we watched them handle the girl and put her on the stretcher.  One looked toward us.
"You guys family, friends, what?" He spat. Ew. What rude culture.
"No. We're just making sure she gets sent of right. Don't want any douches taking her and giving her unfriendly care." I spat with more emphasis on the last part of my statement. I must have taken him by surprise because he stiffened up. So did Josh and Tyler who looked at me shocked. 
"She's in good care. Thank you for your concern." Another EMT said. "Probie, your sitting this out. No way to treat people. Get to the truck."
The EMT's left without another lash, i stared intently making sure they turned the corner with no issues. I stepped forward and did one of those peppy turns to look at the boys. 
"So, food?" I asked.
"Hell yea. Let's go." Josh said. I giggled and lead the way to the front of the building. I noticed my friends standing off to the side of the building laughing at whatever Reese had said. We walked up to them and they smiled as we approached. 
"Ok let's get this over with." I said. "Guys, this is Josh and Tyler. Tyler and Josh, this is Andrea, Reese and Quinn." I pointed at each person as I said their name.  Everyone smiled and shook hands or bro hugged each other. 
"You forgot to introduce yourself, ya goof." Reese interjected.
"What? They already know me." i stated.
"Or do we?" Tyler quizzed.
"Yeah. Do we really know you?" Josh added, teasingly.
"Fine. My name is Rayne. There, happy?" i shat.
"No." Reese pouted.
"Awe what's wrong baby boyo?" I quipped as i stood in front of them and squeezed their cheeks. They shooed my hands away as i chuckled, ruffling their hair. 
"Oh mah gawd stahp. Your embarassing." I stuck my tongue out at them, staring to walk back to where i stood moments before. I earned amused responses from Josh and Tyler. I had a feeling tonight would be fun. 
"Are we waiting for Brielle too?" I asked.
"No. She's taking Channel home. She had another breakdown over that one thing." Reece said, not giving out information to keep it private since Josh and Tyler were present. They seemed to understand that they weren't supposed to know about it since they didn't ask any questions. 
"Ah. Ok. Well, let's go get food. I haven't ate anything since breakfast." I said, knowing that everyone else was also pretty hungry as well.

And this was the beginning of an unforgetable night.

(A/N: So by now i should have started my job. Now i wanted to just kind of warn you guys about this since this could affect my update and writing schedule/style drastically. So that means that within the next dozen chapters, things should start slowing down and whatnot due to my schedule. With me working could possibly result me to abandon this project which i hope is not the case, but my job will be taking a lot out of me as i have to stand out in the sun to make sure people don't drown... so like... yea. Bare with me you lovely trashcans. What this will look like is shorter chapters maybe about 1000+ words and not my usual close to 5000 words. I try not to shorten my chapters but if that becomes the case, i will let you know. This will also be taking a mental strain on me soo, again please bare with me. I will update you all if anything happens. Thank you guys for reaching the end of Chapter 2! I hope that you all enjoy the story so far and let me know if there are things that you would like to see moving forward.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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