Chapter 18

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*Still Y/n's pov*

She came closer and she hitted me with the bat on my stomach causing me to groan.
She kept on hitting my stomach like 10 times and after her 10th hit i coughed blood.She hitted my head.And i felt a little dizzy.
Mina: W-what am i doing?
When she saw me her gaze softend and she helped me get up but before i could say something i fainted.

<Mina's pov>

When i realised what i was doing i felt guilty for being so mean and rude to Y/n.
I saw that Y/n tried to say something but she fainted right in my arms.
I looked behind her and saw Jimin lying on the floor covered in blood.
I was shocked.
And i couldn't believe that i did that so i placed Y/n on my back and and asked Momo if she could take Jimin with her because his head was bruised.We took the Twins in the car and started the engine and road to the hospital.
When we arrived we screamed for help and doctors and nurses came running towards us and a nurse asked me what had happend and i said that we found them unconscious in a secluded street.
So they took them to a operation room.

2 hours later

They did't come out and i realised that i could be going to jail with Momo for Abusing Teens.
After that they came out of the operation room to tell us that they lost there memory the both of them.
Doctor: The person that hitted the girl named Park Y/n hitted her to hard on her stomach and head that she lost her memory and for the boy named Park Jimin fell on his head but it was't a normal fall, he fell to hard causing him to lose his memory too and they related to the same blood so i think that they are family because they look the same and because the blood test was positive so they are brother and sister.
Doctor: Does any of you both know them Miss Sharon and Miss Hirai??
Mina: Yes they are our friends!
Doctor: Thats good to know! Would you like to visit them now?
Momo: Yes

Hi potatoes! Sorry that i didn't upload any earlier but its bc i have school work to do anyways enjoy the other chapters and go take a look at my other book:
My stepbrothers hate me.I'll try to update there more!❤️❤️❤️
And could you please comment if you like the book or not??

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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