you dumb brat

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WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING BRAT !!!!!!!!! ,said sasori, danna im just trying to find my clay ,I said , well look some were else its weird that your under my desk deidara , said sasori honestly your just thinking wrong danna whats in that mind of yours hm danna  , I said with a smirk on my face , watch it brat why dont you go bother someone else and let me do my work .

hmm fine i will , I said ,  i shut the door  with a slam man some times danna gets mad for no reason this is just shit honestly why did i get in the akatsuki in the first place why is he my partner, i said to my self .

hello sempai can you help me chose a book please , said tobi , no tobi are you that much of an idiot chose it your self , I said , yay !! said tobi , why are you happy i just called you an idiot i said , yeah thats it last time you called me a ass hole but this time you called me a idiot , said tobi , what the fuck is wrong with him , i said to my self .

hey hidan did you steal my clay you ass hole , i said pointing to hidan , what no why would i steal that shit plus if I did steal it it probably be in the trash and its empty , said hidan , honestly how can i belive that sack of shit when the last time he stole my clay pouch i said to myself fine ill let this one go on you , i said pointing to him , i went to the room and knocked on the door , come in , said sasori i came into the room miserable and laid face flat on the bed and let out a huge sigh , hmm , i sighed out , what happend you own money or what , said sasori .

no im just tiered of people stealing my stuff thats what happend ,  I said , here you go you brat but if you keep on making explosions ill take it away , said sasori , WHAT THE FUCK SO YOU HAD IT ALL THIS TIME , I said , just take it you brat , said sasori,i slightly fell a smirk coming on .

sasori danna can i ask you a question , i said grinning , what is it brat said sasori turning his face around with a annoyed expression , why do you always hide stuff from me , i said smirking , heh thats  some question why hmm well because you annoy me thats why you brat and if you keep it up then you'll be in my puppet collection , sasori said with a smirk on his face , well then you got some temper but you my fellow artist need to know the true meaning of art , i said , you keep that up you little bitch i'll cut of you fingers , said sasori , try me bitch , i said with a smirk , you asked for it sasori pulled out his kunai knife and suddenly zetsu came , you guys have to stop before the leader comes and kills you , zetsu said , fine but tell this brat to shut up , said sasori , and tell this guy the true meaning of art , i said frustrated , shut up the both of you , said zetsu

      that night 汚ぎも

The moment i fell in love with youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang