They what?? (1)

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"Jayfeather... I'm pregnant."

Ivypool's words echoed in his mind. "They're- Who's their father?"

Please don't be me, please don't be me...

"The Dark Forest toms, they... They did this to me." Ivypool's voice cracked, but she kept an emotionless face. Jayfeather decided to take a peek into her mind, surprised by how calm she was acting.


Strong emotions hit him like a truck, and tears poured from his eyes before he knew it. His body trembled. He wanted to scream, stress and fear crushing him as he bit his lip and tried not to alarm everyone in the camp before leaving Ivypool's thoughts. He stumbled backward, before quickly sitting straight and wiping the hot tears from his face. He was traumatised. "I can't pour out all my emotions here." Ivypool mewed, her voice a mere whisper. "T-Then lets-" He coughed, recomposing himself. "Let's head out of camp."

Skip. Yes. I'm lazy. WhAT OF IT?

"So... How?"

"They... They r-raped me..."

Ivypool started sobbing, her claws unsheathed. He rested a tail on her back, feeling awkward.

"Hey... It'll be alright. We'll work through this together. I will help you."

Ivypool sniffled, hugging him tightly. He was shocked, but slowly gave in to her hug and placed his paws on her shivering back. "I believe in you. Here, you said you wanted to let go some of your feelings. Go do your thing." Ivypool padded over to the river, having a flashback which caused her to jump. She dove her head in, screaming. The calm surface of the water became as enraged as she was, bubbling. Jayfeather flinched, empathy in his pupil-less blue eyes. He didn't seem like a nice cat, but deep down he felt a lot of things he didn't show. But Ivypool needed him now, so he would be as vulnerable as possible with her. He quickly got up when he realised she wasn't coming back up. "Ivypool! Ivypool! Get up!"

He grabbed her shoulders and tugged her out, both of them falling on the grass. He noticed she was trembling, her paws on her belly. Her breath was ragged. He touched his nose with hers, fear coursing through his veins. "It's okay. Everything will be fine. I know you're scared, I am too. But you can do this. I know you want to be happy, and you will be. I promise you that. Just hang in there." Ivypool's breathing slowed to a normal rate. "Breathe. Inhale slowly, and exhale out." She did as he said, taking shaky breaths. "There you go. Now, what do you want to do?"

Ivypool narrowed her tired red eyes in thought, wiping tears from her face. "I just want to pass out."


Skip again OkAY

"Jaybir- Ivypool? Is she okay?" Briarlight got up, dragging her imobile legs behind her as she pulled herself towards the silver and white she-cat. "She's fine, she just... Has a fever."

"That's not the full truth, is it?"

Ivypool let out a sigh, whispering to Jayfeather. "She's going to find out eventually. She stays in here with you."

He layed Ivypool down in a nest before whisking his tail to Briarlight for her to come closer. "Ivypool was... attacked."

"Oh no! B-But I don't see any new wou-"


Briarlight's eyes widened with horror. She glanced over to Ivypool, who was covering her ears. She trotted with her front legs over to her, burying her muzzle in her fur. "She's pregnant."

Ivypool's memories (Major Changes were made)Where stories live. Discover now