N i n e t e e n

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I knew it. Well I didn't but there was always a part of me that knew he was too strong to just leave us.

We pulled up at the airport and saw a few police officers standing near the entrance. We got out of the car and we headed over to the officers.

"Hello Anna, I'm Sargent Chris," I nodded and smiled a little.
We walked through security and were now in the waiting area. I couldn't wait to see Connor and my little sister. I wasn't really that bothered about my mum because of everything that had happened. I guess I was just angry at her.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I realised I had a text from an unknown number,

'Your a lot stronger than you think.' It made me smile but it also made me curious because I didn't know who sent it.
Soon my flight was called and next thing I knew I was boarding the plane back to England. I was sitting next to the window with Chris next to me.

An hour and a half later we were landing in Gatwick airport. Chris and I got off the plane and I got my suitcase from the conveyor belt thing.

We walked outside to find that it wasn't raining like usual, it was actually quite sunny. There was a taxi outside waiting for us. We got in and we were off back home again.

About an hour later we pulled up outside my house. I was a bit scared about going in, I don't know why. Maybe it was because I'd have to explain why I left in the first place. My mum just wouldn't understand. I just wanted to go on an adventure.

We both got out, Chris helped me with my suitcase as we walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and looked down at my trainers. The front door opened.. And there stood my mum. She engulfed me into a hug. We stood in the doorway, both crying and my mum whispering reassuring things that weren't all that reassuring to me. She was sayings things like, 'we'll catch those criminals' 'they'll get locked up for life after this' those things just made me cry even more. And to think that Casey and jake are still on the run. It's killing me.

After Chris left, my mum and I were settled on the sofa with a cup of tea.

"Why did you go?" My mum asked me taking a sip of her tea.

"I don't know, I guess I just tried to run away from my problems," I sighed.

"What problems hun?" My mum asked sounding worried now.

"The ones I stupidly created, the ones that could have been easily avoided and then the ones that came with my 'adventure.'" I know that probably none of that made sense, it was just that I didn't want to tell my mum about the drugs. I know I told her about jake but she probably deleted the text or forgot about it.

"What? Am I missing something important here? I don't get it!"

"I don't want to talk about right now?"

"DID THEY RAPE YOU? ARE YOU PREGNANT?" She said frantically, thinking of the worst things possible.

"No mum! I didn't even sleep with any of them!" I said back reassuringly, "well except jake but we only slept." I muttered very quietly hoping my mum wouldn't hear.

"What was that now? Oh and who was that jake boy you mentioned in that text?"

I mentally face palmed myself even mentioning jake to my mum. She's never going to give up on this until I tell her, so here goes nothing.

"Jake was one of the 'kidnappers' I guess you could call them." I said quietly.

"Oh babe, I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring it up!" She cooed bringing me in for a hug. "How about I go make you some dinner and you can have an early night. I'm sure your exhausted." She said, her motherly instincts kicking in.

I just nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

Most of this was just Anna talking to people oops

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!❤️ I hope everyone had a great day☺️

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