
Mulai dari awal

This time, she stayed with Uma and Harry, who had two children as old as Max- a girl named Harper and a son who they named Hayden. They said nothing. She enjoyed the non judgemental attitude they had and didn't plan to return to Auradon until now. It was Max's second birthday.

She was embarrassed that she forgot about it and was so grateful that Evie had sent her a birthday card.

Mal rolled her eyes and smiled at Evie's gesture. Her best friend knew her so well and despite her disapproval that Mal was always away from Ben and Max, she knew not to nag too much.

When Mal landed in Auradon with a disguise, never bothering to use the Royal Jet, she headed straight for Evie's house via cab, before realising that her best friend, usually her first stop when she arrived from one of her trips, was in the castle. So that's where she went next.

She was nervous. She missed Ben, Max and Evie so much, but knew that Ben would be upset at her for the first few hours. It was typical and she couldn't blame him.

She wondered if Max still remembered her. Her darling baby boy, a child she never wished to have but had grown to love.

Then, there was Belle and Adam. They really liked her at the beginning of their marriage, but after observing how Mal was handling the stress of being a Queen, they began to disapprove and gave her dirty looks whenever she visited. Thank god they were now visiting in Arendelle and wouldn't be back till Max's actual birthday party.

Evie had planned everything, of course, so it was big. Everything was exuberant and magnificent, with the entire ballroom decorated and a large banquet to be delivered. There was something for Max, of course, who wouldn't enjoy the Royal shenanigans and would be having a separate party with friends his age and food that he actually liked.

Mal was glad Evie had thought of everything, from a formal event to please the higher class citizens of Auradon who would fly from all over the domains to attend, and a smaller party just for the little Prince himself, who was, of course, the most important guest of all.

Speaking of Evie, Mal began to look for her the minute she entered the castle, but somehow, she was no where to be found.

//Scene Change//

"What? Look at this one." Evie exclaimed from her position in the couch, flipping through tabloids she had the servants bring her that gossiped about false reports on why Mal and Ben's relationship was currently broken, currently lying on the couch in the castle's private family room, her head on Ben's lap and one hand on her small belly. Max played quietly with his train set in front of them, on the carpet.

Needless to say, Evie was mortified and a little offended about what the magazines had to say, but Ben just gave her a chastising look and chuckled, saying that was the exact reason why the Royals never read such blogs. It did nothing but stir up trouble.

The last one caught Evie's eye, dated only a couple of days ago, with a large picture of Ben, herself and Max leaving a shopping mall and multiple smaller pictures from Ben's Auragram. All of them had Evie in it.

"Oh god." She groaned, pushing the magazine into Ben's line of sight. He turned away from The News on the television to read it.

"I feel bad." Evie muttered to Ben, sitting up on the couch, facing him. "I love you, Ben. I do, but Mal is like a sister to me and it kills me to know that i'll be breaking her heart."

When he was done reading it, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll get the article down, Ev. I'm sorry im pulling you into such a mess."

Evie put her head on his shoulder, shaking her head. "I'm such a bad friend. It's my fault." She would be lying if she said this was the first time she felt guilty about the affair. She didn't know how Mal could befriend her after she got together with Ben, but just kept pushing it to the abyss of her mind, trying to ignore her thoughts.

𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘽𝙡𝙪𝙚Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang