Chapter 18 ♛ First Anniversary

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He sighed softly before continuing on, "I needed to somehow get closer to you in a way that made sense to me. I didn't know how to approach you with the love I had for you at that time, because I was terrified that you wouldn't feel the same way. And I thought the only way I could make you feel the same way about me is if I play that game."

"Thank you for playing that game with me." I weakly smiled, causing a chuckle to leave his lips.

"I know that we've been through so much together, but I never once lost my love for you because of it. I want to go through the lows and the highs of life only with you. And just remember, that I got you no matter what happens in life." He breathed.

"I got you too, Colby." I breathed as well.

"Promise?" He asked as he held up his pinky.

"Promise." I reassured, interlocking our pinkies together.

I gently wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. We quietly swayed back-and-forth as the peaceful music continued to play on. I laid my head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat brought me peace. Being in his arms brought me a sense of security, and just being with him in general made me feel like I had a home where I actually belonged to.

"...Over all the others, you're the one
All over me
I need your therapy
Need your therapy..."

He started humming along with the music against my ear causing a cheesy smile to appear on my face, because of how much I love him.

"I'm guessing this is how typical high school dances are like." I giggled, my eyes meeting him.

"I mean kind of." He chuckled, "But with more drama."

"I wouldn't know." I breathed.

He eyed me, "Have you never been to a school dance before?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Well... if you count dragging a younger intoxicated Jake out of one before he got caught by our principal, then yes, I did go to one." I giggled.

"Jeez, high school Jake was something else, wasn't he?" He chuckled at the thought of that.

"Hmm." I hummed, "He's still the same, but calmer now."


"Yup." I smiled, "Man, do I have stories to tell you about his younger days."

"Spill the tea, sis." He pitched his voice in a girly way.

"Stop." I giggled as I gently pushed him away, "Maybe one day I will tell you." I said.

"Please." He pouted.

Suddenly, the once soothing song switched into a heavy rock one causing the whole place to shake like a seven point earthquake was taking place at the moment. I protected my eardrums with my hands while Colby scrambled over to his phone, quickly pausing the music, and letting an eerie silence fill the air now.

"You just woke up all your neighbors." I breathed.

"Fuck!" He hissed, "I'm going to get kicked out."

Player 3.0 ♛ Colby BrockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin