metting the gems love story

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I was walking around one day but I blacked out everything around me started swirling in till my sight went completely black.
then I saw something I woke up and somehow someway I was in a house that kinda looked cartoonish. I sat up I heard people talking they were saying I've never in my life have ever seen anything like that it breathes like a human. Is it corrupted human or something no amethyst it's not. I was shocked to hear the name I knew her name off of steven universe. I jolted up off the couch I then looked right at the three I was then paralyzed from what I seen they summoned there weapons I quickly passed out as soon as garnet said what are you. I woke up again saying I hope that was a dream please be a dream I opened my eyes again I was tied up with a whip of some kind I looked up and seen all three looking at me. I screamed it is real. Oh oh my god. It's really real I cant believe it. I know all of you. What garnet said as she stepped forward she summoned her gauntlets I said woah woah woah I'm not a threat please. Let me explain the best I can I am a real human being in the real world your all cartoon characters.. they all jumped at that. So so so w-were fake. I'm sorry to say this but yes you are rebecca sugar created you all and this show it this show ended a while back. Steven's left beach city. They all were confused and shocked. So can you let me go please. Not yet we cant trust you. I started getting emotional because I'm a real human being. I'm sorry if I scared you all. You are amethyst I said when my face completely turned red I looked away. Why are you blushing amethyst said. I cant tell you yet. Amethyst turned around I knew she was blushing. You'll hate me. Ok amethyst responded. You're garnet the fusion. Y-your pearl. Why did you Stutter. Because I dont like you at all. Ohh thanks pearl said. My name is caleb huntley. And I really dont know how I got here. So can i be freed now. Y-yeah amethyst said. I got released I have no idea what I'm gonna do know. Umm caleb I cant help you my future vision doesn't work I dont know why. Because I'm from the real world your future vision only works if I'm from this cartoon and I'm not.
Opps I'm sorry I forgot your not from here.
It's okay I said. So can I meet the others. Ohh silly us we forgot. It's okay.
I meet lapis hey lapis. Hey peridot. I met everyone else
It was getting dark. Hey can you take me and show me your room amethyst. She said sure you probably wont like it. I followed her into her room. After the door closed. We walked around for seemed like hours. Till I came up with an idea I can just turn her around and plant a kiss on her. After we were fixing to leave her room I grabbed her I spun her around and planted a very loving kiss on her. I was blushing she was turning very dark purple. I then said you look very cute when your blushing. I smiled and kissed her again but this time I picked her up and hugged her your always been my favorite amethyst. She blushed more thank you caleb it means alot. But why do you like me so dang much what's so special about me I'm a flipping defect. I dont care if your a defect. I like you just the way you are. You are so special you mean the world to me amethyst. Even tho I just met you in person. Amethyst can I ask you a question. Yea. Will you be me girlfriend. I guess so. I grabbed amethyst by the hands I pulled her close I gave her a very passionate kiss. It felt so warm and soft I was blushing hard. We both fell apart we then fell into a hug. I then said I love you amethyst I always have. Thank you caleb for loving me. I love you too caleb. So do you want to go and hang out with the others or do you wanna tell the others we are gonna sleep together. She turned away blushing I then hugged her saying it's ok if you blush I'm blushing to so what. I guess let's go tell the others that we are gonna sleep together but wait amethyst I dont want to let them know I love you. I will tell them later on okay. Yeah amethyst said. She opened her door saying me and caleb are gonna go to sleep together for tonight. Ok you too have fun they said. Me and my new girlfriend amethyst went back into the room. So what do you wanna do before we cuddle and go to sleep ohhh I know let's play hide and seek I said. Yea sounds like a plan. Ok amethyst you hide first. Okay. 15 seconds have passed I said ready or not here I come. I started looking everywhere. I'm not over there she said. Where are you then. And how do you know where I'm at. Because im the highest thing in here im on one of my biggest piles. Ohh. Hey amethyst. I started to run she jumped down saying where ya off to caleb. I said I dont know I'm trying to run and see how far I can get away from you . I ran behind a pile of trash but to only fall into this big big hole when i hit the bottom i heard one of my bones crack my pain was to intense amethyst help me. I'm coming caleb. Where are you. I fell into a big hole. Ok I'm coming. I started to feel wet I then knew some of my body was crushed. Amethyst then found the hole she jumped down saying no no no this cannot be happening. It's okay babe it's okay amethyst. No it's not it's my fault my rooms this messy. Hey you look at me and you listen it's not your fault its my fault because I was not looking where I was going. Now can you please get me to the hospital wait crap your hospital arent like ours flip. Umm how bad is it. Amethyst then gently turned me over only to whimper in fear. It's bad inst it. I'm sorry caleb yes its bad. Amethyst I love you before I black out due to blood loss take me to the hospital maybe they can try to help. Ok she then took me out of the house took me to the hospital where they were shocked amethyst then said hes a real human just help him please dont ask questions just help caleb. Before they ran off with me I asked can amethyst come with me please I dont want to be alone. Yeah I guess so hey amethyst caleb wants you to come with us. She then smiled and followed into the surgery room where they gave me sleep medicine before I fell asleep I said to amethyst. It's ok babe imma be fine just dont worry. Promise me amethyst you wont worry promise you will stay here with me. Yes caleb I will. I soon fell asleep they started working on my back where there was one of my ribs poking threw my skin they removed it and put stuff there to help hold it in place while caleb heals. They had me on a monitor the doctor starting seeing the blood loss going way down. Before they said they need a donor they wrapped me up in gauls. I slowly gained blood back. I slowly started to wake up only to see amethyst crying over my bed I tried to speak saying it's okay amethyst I'm still here I said In a muffled voice she looked up smiling when she heard that.
I just though I would lose you. Well it's okay I'm still here. Anyway how long have I been out. You've been in a coma for about 3 months. Wait what I've been in a coma. Yeah I'm sorry. They had to or else you would die. Ohh. The doctors came in asking me now how do I fell I said I didnt feel any pain except when I move. So can i go home now. I guess so. Do you mind me asking caleb what and how did you get here I then said dont worry about it. I guess your ready to go then they unhooked me from everything. I then put my hand out to amethyst she took it I had to lean on her for support. I then said can I sleep in your room yeah. But i did tell the gems what happened i told them you fell in a hole. Amethyst did you even mention that we are together. No caleb I didnt.

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