Ch.1 Begin Again

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He shouldn't be nervous. Well, he should be nervous, but not for the reason he was. He shouldn't be worried about seeing them again. It had been a little over four years since he'd seen any of his boyfriends. They had split after graduation and off to college or, in Sam's case, sight-seeing.

He felt very self-conscious. What if they didn't like his suit? It was pretty plain. He had hoped not wearing a tie and leaving the first few buttons undone would be spicy enough for their tastes, but that no longer seemed like the case. What if they didn't like his hair? He had gotten it cut not too long ago, but maybe they preferred it long. What if they didn't like his ear piercings? He had gotten his lobes pierced a year ago. Currently, they have simple black faux plugs in them, because he didn't want to commit to them.

"You look fine, Sweetie."

He glanced up at his mother, who sat next to him in the back seat of the SUV that was taking them off to one of the Johnsons' many houses around the world. They were hosting a party to celebrate their daughter's graduation from high school.

"Are you sure?"

She rolled her eyes, "Honey, you'll fit in just fine."

"But what if they want to stand out?"

"Grian James Williams. They would love you no matter what you show up in."

Grian didn't doubt that. He's sure they'd be ecstatic if it was just them at the party so they could all go naked.

"But do I look like I belong?" If it had been anyone but his mom, he might have not had the courage to voice that question.

She gave him a small smile. He knew she understood and that, deep down, she had the same fear. "You deserve to be there just as much as anyone else. Never forget that."

He nodded, glancing back to the front of the vehicle just as they approached a mansion that looked right out of The Great Gatsby just with a bit more class and less chaos. People in elegant gowns and tuxedos were making their way through the grand entrance where servants waited to hand them drinks.

Grian took a deep breath as they neared the drop-off point. The driver got out and opened the door for them. Grian helped his mother out, holding out his arm to escort her. He wasn't used to events like this by any means, but she had made sure to give him some of the basics. He didn't want to get overwhelmed and he wouldn't, so long as he could feel her at his side.

They gave quick thank yous to the servants as they took their drinks and began making their way through the crowd of chatting strangers. Grian took one glance around and didn't understand why this would be the guestlist for a graduation party. All the people in the room looked older, if Grian had to guess, he would say they were all business partners of the Music family. A handful of the other guests seemed around his age, but he didn't recognize any of them.

There was light music flowing through the air, but it was almost completely drowned out by all the talking. Another thing Grian didn't understand, they were all just standing, talking, drinking, eating, judging one another silently.

Then Grian felt it. Eyes on him. He stilled, causing his mother to stop next to him and give him a funny look, but he just glanced around, searching for the person staring at him. As he gazed through the sea of unfamiliar faces, his eyes found deep milk chocolate ones. A familiar devilish smirk against tanned skin with clean-cut dark brown hair. His heart stopped as the other began making his way toward him. Everything else disappeared, Grian could only focus on him; he barely even noticed his mother was still holding on to him.

"Hi, there," Taurtis cocked an eyebrow, "Has it been so long that you need another introduction?"

Grian rolled his eyes, "Hi? Is that really the first thing you're gonna say to me?"

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