13. Inosuke

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Tsukiko regained consciousness with a loud cough.

Her body ached. Especially her ribs where the boar man had stood on her. He really just be crazy to have done that to her.

The boar man.

Tsukiko slowly sat up sat and raked her eyes across the clearing where the house was. There was a commotion going on around her.

Her eyes latched onto Zenitsu first. He was holding onto Nezuko's box. Zenitsu's body was badly beaten and he had a black eye. She did not think it was probable for a demon to had done that to him. Why was he holding onto Nezuko's box?

Next her eyes caught onto Tanjiro. He was yelling angrily. He was yelling about the rule that demon slayers should not fight each other. Tanjiro's anger was directed at the boar man who was sprawled out on the ground in front of him.

Tsukiko added the math up. Zenitsu must have been defending Nezuko's box. Her eyes widened. His hearing. He knows that there is a demon in the box Tanjiro carries.

Based on the boar man being laid out on the ground, he was what Zenitsu was defending the box from. The boar man had tried to kill Nezuko and he had been willing to kill Zenitsu too!

Tsukiko's blood was hot and rushed past her ears at the anger. Rules or no rules, she was going to give it to the boar man.

The man gave a loud laugh and stood his feet. Tsukiko's assumption of his craziness was only furthered by this action.

Now was her chance to really see how much her full concentration breathing technique had improved with her experience.

Tsukiko rose to her feat with a sounding cry, "Boar man!"

Everyone turned to look at Tsukiko. She stormed over to wear Tanjiro and the other man were. Tsukiko pulled her sword off her hip and shoved it into Tanjiro's chest. The redhead stumbled back from the strength she had used.

"Come on boar man!" She crouched into a defensive position and slapped her chest. "Let's see you fight me bare handed."

"Tsukiko, no!" Tanjiro protested. He stood between the two with his arms stuck straight out. "It's against rules!"

The rage that Tanjiro smelled coming off her was thick. She lifted one side of her eye covering so he could get a good look at the expression on her face. The moon that held so much beauty was dripping with fury.

Tanjiro froze under her gaze and gulped.

"If you don't move out of my way Tanjiro," Tsukiko pulled her veil back into position. "I'm going to plow right over you."

Without a moment of hesitation Tanjiro stepped to the side. There was no stopping her.

"Oh yea!" Yelled the boar man pointing at Tsukiko. "I'm going to pound you into the dust."

He charged at Tsukiko sending a kick her way. She grabbed onto his leg and sent a kick of her own to his side. Her eyesight gave away his slightest movements.

The boar man stumbled before returning with punches. Tsukiko was able to dodge them. The man let out an aggravated yell.

Tsukiko latched onto one of his arms and throw him over her. He would start attacking low like he did in the house any second.

The boar sent a kick to Tsukiko's face from the ground. She blocked it with her arm but had to take a step back from the force. He sent more attacks from his low stance. Tsukiko was able to hold him off but not get in any attacks of her own.

The man was so flexible, and his movements were beast like. It came to Tsukiko's mind that if she wanted to beat a beast, she would have to fight like one. She dropped into a low crouching position.

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