20. Butterfly Estate

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        Following the hashira meeting and the avoidance of a possibly deadly trial, Tsukiko and Tanjiro were taken to what is called the butterfly estate. The home of Shinobu and a place for injured demon slayers to recuperate. There she and Tanjiro found the other two members of their group and Murata.

After a period of rest, Shinobu came to inform the trio of boys and Tsukiko that they would be undergoing rehabilitative training.

"Rehabilitation?" Tanjiro asked the hashira.

"Oh yes," Shinobu answered with a smile, "your bodies have gone through a period of rest. Now you will need to fully regain your strength!"

Tsukiko thought about it for a moment. Nothing could be as difficult as what Hashimoto had forced her through. Even her master had admitted that he makes his students to train more harshly than others are made to do.

"Rehabilitation training sounds nice," Tsukiko sighs, "will you be leading it?"

Shinobu's eyes shifted over to the girl. A smile that hid sinister intentions behind it showed through to Tsukiko. The gurl shivered visibly with a gulp.

"You won't be training with the others Tsukiko," Shinobu's voice was nicer than normal.

"We won't be training with Tsukiko?" Tanjiro asked confused. He had spent almost every moment with her since their first mission. Ever since they came to the butterfly estate, being apart from her had begun to make Tanjiro anxious.

"Oh no. Tsukiko will have her own special training," Shinobu informs them.

"Special training?" Tsukiko's voice was really nervous. She hadn't done or possessed anything that would warrant special training besides her eyes. Training for visions wouldn't separate her from her friends.

"If Totoro is getting special training then I want special training!" Inosuke screamed out but everyone had learned to ignore him.

"You see," Shinobu's hand came up with the index finder extended, "Tsukiko's crow has been alerting her master of her status since her first mission. When he found out about her injuries from your last mission he requested permission to come here."

"Oh wow! Your master is coming here!" Zenitsu's shortened arms waved about excitedly. The boy had suffered a demon's poison on the mountain and still not fully recovered. Tsukiko secretly thought it somewhat cute despite his griping about medicine. 

Tsukiko thought about it and remembered her command to Chie. The crow Chie hadn't stopped informing Hashimoto this whole time because she didn't tell her to. Hashimoto was coming there and Tsukiko was receiving special training.

"Hashimoto is coming to train me?" Tsukiko asked with a blank face.

"Yes! He should be here any second!" Shinobu's smile widened. "Hashimoto is the toughest trainer in the corps!"

The boy's were shocked as the color drained from Tsukiko's face. A look of horror came over her features before a dead stare filled her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Tanjiro asked the girl in worry.

She didn't move or respond. Two pale moons stared as if looking into a void. There was complete silence in the room.

"He can't train me if he can't find me!" Tsukiko sprang to life and out of her bed. Moving faster than the trio had ever seen her move before. "I have to hide before he sees me!"

Tsukiko's hand had just enough time to reach the window before the door slammed open. Everyone turned to look at who had created such a commotion.

Within Her Eyes - Kimetsu No YaibaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin