Chapter 5- #1 THE GUILTY ONE

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FILE 876356-

NAME: Elizabeth Allison Storm
PLACE OF BIRTH: PineVille, Virginia
DATE OF BIRTH: 19th October 1997
GENDER: Female
PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: Ava Storm (DECEASED) Christopher Storm (DECEASED) Charles Storm (DECEASED) Caroline Storm (DECEASED)
EDUCATION: The London Consitution School Of Finishing For Young Ladies, PV Boarding School, PV High School, Harvard (ATTENDING), John Hopkins (PENDING)

Allison Storm was all but 6 when her parents passed away she was not informed of the extent of her parent's death as was determined by her legal guardians Caroline and Charles Storm that she would not find out at the moment in time.


Chapter 5
Allison Storms' POV

Saturday 21st November


My eyes awoke the next morning, fear, anger, and anxiety all rushed over me as I remembered what had happened to me the night before. The feeling of the blood-covered over me was the main reason I even got I of bed, somebody must have put me there last night after everyone had left as the last thing I remember was having a meltdown in the bathroom subsequently meaning that I was not able to shower off the blood from last night.

I truly did not want to get out of bed not today at least, all I wanted to do was lie in my bed and cry for hours upon end, but life had other plans for me such as getting interviewed for the murder of my aunt the day after she died.

I always heard stories of the world were being terrible and confusing and the worst crime ever to be committed happening to families who never deserved it but I was sheltered for most of my life and ignorantly I never thought it would happen to me. Maybe I needed to get the interview over and done with rather than me sitting on it for hours at a time. Someone killed my Aunt and I would rather suffer through the pain that I am feeling just to find out who did it than suffer the consequences later to never find out who did.

I peeled the bloody clothes off of my body and went straight into the shower not caring about the temperature or the pressure. The water ran red as the blood dripped off of my body, each drop of blood was like another drop of vulnerability I felt at that moment. As my hands passed over my face with clean water I almost felt violated knowing that this was the doing of someone in this very house and not knowing who did it was killing me a little bit more by the second.

I had gotten out of that shower as quickly as I went in; I could not stand there watching the blood drip away of someone that I loved. A cold breeze hit me and at first, I could barely feel it but by the time I had gotten dressed I was shaking uncontrollable, even though the house was always like a hundred degrees. A shiver was felt right down my spine.

I turned on the TV to try and delay myself a bit from going down but that was one of the worse decisions in the world.

"The biggest news today is the ongoing investigation was the murder of billionaire owner of the Storm companies murder, Caroline Storm was murdered late last night, with the information we have got it is seemingly the doing of one of the members of the storm family, what have the Storms done this-" I cut it off before they even finished the sentence, looking out of my window towards the front gate the paparazzi had managed to swarm the whole thing but soon had to part when the police car made its way through.

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