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             My feet slammed the ground as I ran as fast as I could.  My heart pounded as I sprinted, darting through the dark night only lit by the city's light pollution.  I slipped through the space in between two trains.  Standing my ground I began to run again picking up speed.  A satisfactory smile tainted my face as I felt my blood flowing through my veins. 

My bag smacked my side with each step I took echoing the sound of rattling spray can bottles under the overpass.  I tried to hold it steady but I didn't care too much.  My speed could easily surpass that fat cop and his ugly dog.  Laughing to myself brought an even darker hue of red over my face from running so hard. 

Before I knew it I lost my footing catching my shoe in the gravel falling to my face.  My head hit the ground, I felt every Little Rock sticking to my face like an ice cream with sprinkles.  Caught off guard i quickly looked up and back behind me watching the cops flash light flicker beginning to gain proximity.  I staggered to stand up but all of a sudden felt a warm grasp around my upper arm.  The force yanked my body with no problem as if I was a rag doll.  I felt weightless in that moment being dragged into a dark space round a subway car.  Then I was pushed up against a wall feeling a large hand push against my mouth.

"Shhhhh." The tall dark figure said

My eyes were widely opened to try and see them but it was far too dark to see anything.  A little groan of fear came out of my throat in panic.

"Don't worry I promise I'm not gonna hurt you." The shadow whispered up close to me. 

I could see a dim silhouette of this person. It seemed to be a guy based on the shorter hair and the large masculine hand that was still pressed to my lips.  I saw one of his amber eyes lit by a sliver of light stare out between the train cars where the cop was roaming. 

"COME OUT STUPID KID!" The police man shouted in an old husky voice.

I let out a little giggle as I looked down into the dark.  Faintly I saw the figure look down at me with what seemed to be a small smile.  I got a little nervous and started to blush a bit.

"Ugh I'm too old to be dealing with this, I'm outta here."the cop said to himself

"ILL GET YOU NEXT TIME LITTLE CRAP!" The police shouted into the night.

I heard a little chuckle escape from the boy in front of me's mouth as I saw him with a small open smile.  His hand lost its grip and slowly slipped from my face.

"That was close you know." He said to me

He backed off a little giving me room.  I braced my self resting my hands on my knees gasping for air as my heart still pumped hastily. 

"Yea, I know, that's why I do it.  I love the thrill.  It's like a drug heheh" I said out of breath.  I rubbed my cheek dusting off the remaining pebbles from full on face planting back there.

"Oh yea thanks by the way, you really saved my butt."  I said still panting while placing a stray strand of my [h/c] hair behind my ear.

"Aye it's no problem, I understand your feeling." He replied from the darkness

There was a silence between us but it was filled by the distant rumbling sound of train tracks in the distance.  I pulled out my phone checking the time.  10:42pm it read as I flipped it turning on my flashlight.  Looking up, The light illuminated a young mans face.  A smile appeared upon him as he glanced at me.

"So, who are you?" I questioned

"I'm Jake, and you are?" He said holding his hands behind his head.

"I'm [y/n]."

His hand reached out open in-front of me.

"Nice to meet you" he said with a smile

I looked down at his hand then back at him and stuck mine out to grasp it giving a little shake.

"Well, it's getting a little late I usually head back home right about now sooo..it was nice meeting you and thanks again for saving me I guess haha." I said

In the dim light I saw him frown a tiny bit.

"Hm, that's too bad and you're very welcome, it's the least I could do."

Before I knew it he reached out to me and grabbed my phone from out of my grasp.

"Hey!" I said while reaching forward to my phone.

He held his arm up to my chest blocking me from snatching it back as he was typing something on my screen. My arms flailed towards my phone as I tried getting It.

"What are you doing, give it back!"I slightly shouted

Then he handed it back over and I let up my pressure on him. I looked down at my phone seeing his contact he put in.

"If you ever need me again, you can reach me."he said smirking

"Haha ok thanks I guess."I replied

I slipped my phone into my back pocket and readjusted the bag strap on my shoulder. We started walking back towards the city.

"So do you usually come around here?"he asked

"Yea, you?"

"Yea, I come around here with my friends, we always skateboard on our ramp."

"What? You have a skate ramp!?"I exclaimed with excitement

"Haha yea, if you'd like you could join us sometime." He chuckled as he looked at me with a side glance.

"Like hell I will" I said with a gleaming smile

He stared at me for a moment longer with a grin. His jawline was cut perfectly as the light hit it from above and his shiny brown hair bounced with every step. I realized I was looking at him for a little too long examining his features. I glanced back in front of me catching a blush to my face.

We talked for a little longer on our journey back to our houses, the way we connected almost felt like we had known each other like close friends. eventually we made it to a fork in the road where we had to part ways to reach our homes.

"Ok well I guess this is goodbye for now" he said

" looks like it." I said

"See ya around then."he said

"Alright, later skater." I said smiling

He laughed and smiled soon turning his back walking away from me. He hopped on his skateboard and glided under the street lights as they alternated, flashing on his body.

'Well that was interesting. Almost being caught by the cops, then meeting some skater guy...cute skater guy. No what am I saying he'll probably never text me so best I don't get my hopes up'

I made it to my apartment that I shared with my mom and dad. Walking into the side alley, I made my way over to these large trash bins. Reaching behind one of them I pulled out a ladder, I propped it up to reach my window. I climbed up step by step to my room. Crawling through my window ever so quietly, I place my bag down and then turn back around to the window. I grab on the ladder and push it to the side, dropping it down as it slid back behind the trash cans.

Flopping onto my bed I let out a sigh releasing remaining tension.


Bringing my phone up to eye level I see a text message.

Goodnight :)

I stared at my phone for a second as a smile crept into my cheeks.


Dropping my hand with my phone back onto the bed I stared up at the ceiling.

'Not to get ahead of reality but I think this is the start of something'

I closed my eyes and sure enough went right to sleep.

Jake x reader// subway surfersWhere stories live. Discover now