Part 1

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I was excited but also really nervous to start my first day at my new job. I only moved to San Francisco last week, and I had no idea what to expect from this. My old job was similar, it was a morning talk show run by a small business, but this show was much more well known.

That's why they chose me for the job. They knew I used to work for another talk show, so they offered me a job here. At the time, I really wanted to leave New York to start a new life somewhere else, so I didn't hesitate to take the offer.

I was on my way to work, but I didn't know anybody in this city. I didn't know what to expect at all. Heck, I'm 24, but this all felt like I was going back to school again, you know, not knowing anyone?

When I arrived at the studio, I didn't really know where to go or what to do, I just knew I was in the right building. It was 7:52 AM and the show was supposed to start at 8 AM. After walking around for a bit, I find a tall man, and if I'm not mistaken, he's the host of our show, Danny Tanner. He turns around and smiles.

"Oh hi! You're (y/n), right? We've been looking for you. I'm Danny," he introduces himself.

"Yeah, that's me! Hey, I don't really know my way around here, would you show me to the set?" I ask.

"It's right over here," he leads me to the room where the show is filmed, I recognize it. "We're starting soon, so be ready," he tells me and wanders off. I nod and sit on the couch. So this is it? This is my first day on the job. I had no idea if this was going to go well or not. I check the time, 7:58 AM. Less than a minute later, he comes back and sits down next to me.

"Today we're supposed to be getting to know you on the show, since it's your first day," Danny explains. "Sometimes we have guest stars, but today it's just us," he says and smiles.

"Alright, sounds good!" I smile back.

"When it starts just introduce yourself," he tells me.

"Okay, we're on in 3...2...1!" One of the camera men says. The Wake Up San Francisco theme plays. Danny and I introduce ourselves and he gets to talking. I've got to admit, he talks a lot.


"Great job, (y/n)! I have to say, you're just as good, if not better than our last cohost, Rebecca Donaldson. She was offered a new job as some news show host in Colorado," he tells me when the show is over.

"Thanks Danny, I used to be on another talk show like this so I have some experience," I say. "I'm really grateful for this opportunity."

"I bet! Hey, do you want to maybe go out for coffee? Not as a date, just to get to know each other better, since we're work partners now," he asks.

"I'd like to, but I'm not really in the mood to go out. How about we go over to your place, and I can meet your family?" I say hopefully.

"Sure, why not. You can meet my daughters, my brother in-law Jesse, and my best friend Joey. I'm sure they'd be very happy to meet you," he explains.


I get all my things together and we drive over to Danny's place. We had to drive separately, since I drove to work in my own car. When he parks in front of his house, I park behind him and get out of the car. We walk to the front door together.

"Jesse and Joey aren't home right now," he explains. "They recently got new jobs in advertising as partners, so they've been busy with that this whole week. The girls should be upstairs." He calls them. "Girls! Come down and met my new cohost, (y/n)!" Three young blonde girls come running down the stairs.

"You're very pretty," the youngest one says. She looks about 2 or 3 years old. I smile down at her and laugh. Danny laughs too.

"These are my daughters, D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle," he tells me and points to each of them while he says their names.

"It's very nice to meet you!" I say. "Your dad told me a lot about you."

"Hey (y/n), are you staying for lunch?" D.J. asks me. I look at Danny and smile.

"I guess she can if she wants to!" he pats my back and laughs. "Jess and Joey should be back by 11. Feel free to spend time with the girls in the meantime." I nod.

"Come see me and D.J.'s room!" Stephanie says and grabs my arm, practically dragging me. I laugh, she's really cute for a 7 year old!

The next hour or so passes by quickly. The girls showed me their rooms and I played with them. They were really fun to be around.

I've never really bonded with children this way, so I guess it just kind of came naturally. I don't have siblings and my parents aren't the greatest either. I didn't tell Danny much about my past back in New York. My parents had always been abusive and they didn't support me in anything. It was about time I moved out anyways I guess. I'm an adult now.


It was a little after 11, and I was in the kitchen with Danny. We were talking about his family and about how his wife Pam died 2 years ago and how Jesse and Joey moved in to help him out. I felt bad for him. I hadn't ever been in a serious relationship before, and my parents didn't care for me, so I've never really felt real love before. I can't imagine what it must've been like for him. How hard that must be on him.

I hear the front door open and a man's voice saying "We're back!" Danny goes into the living room and I follow. I hear the girls running down the stairs again.

Danny introduces us to each other. "(Y/n), this is Jess and Joey," Danny pats them on the shoulder as he says their names. "Guys, this is my new cohost on Wake Up San Francisco!" he introduces us to each other.

Joey has blonde hair and is wearing a very colorful t-shirt with patterns all over it. I notice Jesse has really nice brown hair. It looks like he puts a lot of mousse in it. He's wearing a black leather jacket and blue jeans, and I've got to admit, he's really good looking.

"Nice to meet you two," I say and smile. They both greet me. I shake Joey's hand. Then I shake Jesse's hand after.

"Have mercy..." he says as he holds my hand, giving me direct eye contact too. His hand is warm and firm in mine.

"I'll go get lunch ready," Danny says, laughing at Jesse's remark. He walks off into the kitchen, leaving me with everyone else.

I really hoped that this would go well. I didn't know many people in this city, so having some people to hang around with would be great.

I just wanted a normal life.

For once.

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