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[in case you haven't noticed them songs right about there ^^^ whatever is there i was listening to in mah audio player thingy.]

 My friends were supposed to protect me.


I was currently on texting my friend Y/N. [Me   Y/N]



So whatcha up to

Oh nothing just letting a possible murderer crash with me.

Well thats nice. See you on Friday right?


I close the message and look around. Welp honestly i'm bored.

~Time skip brought to you by TomSka in a coconut bra with a grass skirt dancing to heavy metal~

10:30 am

I wake up to see I am still alive. Sweet. I walk down stairs to see Ezia on the couch passed out. I grab out a spoon and a pan and clap them together making him jump in the air . "Wha?" I put the pan down, "Rise and shine sleeping beauty!"  He gets up and stretches. I look at his nose. "Hey your nose isn't broken anymore." His eyes widen, "I uh set it back." Liar. I nod. "Well seeing as you have yet to murder me, you can stay longer if ya want." He nods. "Thank you." I nod. The bird sitting at the window nods. The lamp nods. The kid across the street nods. Freddy Fazbear nods. 

~Time skip brought to you by      n          o       d      s~

Next day.  4:15pm

"Hey i'm going out Ezia." He nods. "I'll just watch some T.V. while your gone." I write my number on a sticky note and hand it to him. "What trying to ask me out on a date now?" Ezia says. I glare at him. "No you idiot. This is so if anything goes hay wire while i'm gone." He makes the 'O' face and takes the sticky. I wave bye and walk out the door. I text Y/N telling him/her I was outside waiting. 

Hey. I'm outside.  

Alright i'll be in my Jeep.

I nod and turn off my phone and put it in the pocket of my Fenrir sweater. It was a dark gray color that said Fenrir on the chest part and had Fenrir yin-yang on the back.

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My favorite sweater. I look up to see Y/N [favorite color] Jeep pull into my driveway. I walk over and hop into the passenger seat. "Kiri!" He/She screeched when I got in. He/She wrapped me into a gentle hug. I sit back into the [second favorite color] seat and we drive off.

~Time Skip brought to you by a time skip.~

"Ok ok ok ok ok I have to go in here!" Y/N said as he/she pressed his/her face on the window of [Favorite store]. "Mk you can go ahead and stay out here." I sit in the metal outside chair. "Ok thank you!!! I will only be in there for like ten minutes I swear!"

 Liar. I wave him/her off as I relax into the chair.  After 40 minutes of waiting I got scared. I felt like I was being watched. Suddenly I was yanked from my chair as a hand pressed against my mouth. "Mhmpf!" I thrash around in their arms. Soon I stop and bite roughly on the hand. I scream louder than I ever have in my life. I try running but the person grabbed me and pinned me to a wall. I hear the click of a gun and the cold metal on my temple. My life passed through my eyes. One moment caught me in particular.

"I will always protect you." Young Y/N said, the sun making his/her [hair color] shine. "Promise?" Young me says. "I promise."

[End flashback]

Where are you at now? You promised. Liar.

I open my eyes to see a scruffily man holding a gun between my eyes now. [666 words right here] Suddenly a flash of gray and white fur and the man is on the ground. A large wolf ripping into him. The wolf moves aside and I had a perfect view of the carnage. I could see the blood pulling out. I could see the mans still beating heart. I could see the intestines which were scattered. Suddenly my legs find their voice and I run. I run past many houses. Many neighborhoods. But I never stopped. I didn't stop until I reached my house. I threw open the door to see a note lying on the side table. Went out for a walk- Ezia. I look around and sit on the couch. I close my eyes and the last thing I see are the wolf's bright green eyes.

[Imma just expose mah grandma here. Frikin  heck won't stop touchin my back with a back scratcher and flippin the heck outta me. help please call 119 on her. also yes three uploads yall must be happy



P.S. Ezia's name is pronounced E-zeye-uh

838 words.

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