1 day (Tuesday) Part one.

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Yn's pov:

Once I woke up, I got dressed, and got my school stuff together. A few minutes later, I got a phone call. It was from Kalob. I declined the call. I didn't want to talk to him. "Hey Kelli." I said. "Yeah yn?" Kelli asked. "I'm driving to school, wanna ride with me?" I asked. "Sure! Why not?" Kelli said. "Do you want to get starbucks on the way?" I asked. "That would be great." Kelli said. "Ok." I said. I grabbed my wallet, and we went out to my car, got in, and I began driving to starbucks. When we got there, I ordered our drinks. I got a (Favorite drink). And Kelli got a mocha. Then we got our drinks, then I began driving to school. When we got to school, we got out of the car, and went inside. When I went inside, a few seconds later, Kalob came running up to me. "Yn! So glad I found you. You have to listen to me. Freddy is--." Kalob began, but I interrupted him. "Don't talk to me." I said. "But yn! You don't know what Freddy has--." Kalob began but I interrupted him again. "What part of leave me alone don't you get?" I asked. "Is this guy bothering you?" Someone asked. "Um. Who are you? I don't think we've met." I said. "I'm Fred." Fred said. "Nice to meet you Fred." I said. Just then, Fred pulled out his phone and began texting someone. I had gotten a text message. "One second please." I said. "Sure, no problem." Fred said. The text was from Freddy.  It's me princess. I'm Fred. Not saying it out loud because of everyone around us. By the way I have made it so I have all your classeds with you. I looked up at Fred. He winked, and showed me the text on his phone that he sent me. "I should get going." I said. "I'll accompany you." Fred said. I walked away from Kalob and Fred followed me and put his arm around me. "Dude, I suggest you back off. That's my girlfriend." Kalob said. "After what you did, I don't think so." I said. "Maybe I could be a better boyfriend." Fred said. I laughed. "Good one Freddy." I whispered. "Think about it princess. I would make a wonderful boyfriend. I listen to you, I help you all the time." Fred whispered. "You have a point." I whispered back. "So what do you say yn?" Fred asked. "I don;t know." I said. "Well, let me know when you know." Fred said. "She would never go out with you. You ugly whore." Kalob said. "I suggest you take that back now, bitch boy." Fred said. "Or what noob?" Kalob asked. "Enough! Both of you! Knock it off!" I said. "Yes yn." Fred said. "How do you know her name already? She hasn't told you her name." Kalob asked. "Yes she did." Fred said. "Come on, I'm going to class." I said. "Right behind you babe." Fred said. "Please don't call me that." I said. "Will do princess." Fred said. We then began walking to class together. 

Freddy krueger x reader Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now