3 || pointless assesment

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the state of being free from tension and anxiety.

re·lax·a·tion/rēˌlakˈseiSH(ə)n/nounthe state of being free from tension and anxiety

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"y/n! y/n!" my mother yells, bursting into my room.

after the whole 'plant crash fiasco'  the night of the exam i decided to repot my plants while i waited for my letter from UA.

"a letter from UA!" my mother exclaims, thrusting a letter in my face. "i'll leave you alone to read it with me hovering around like a helicopter parent." she giggles, bouncing out my bed room and shutting the door. i chuckle at my mother's weird antics and open the letter.

y/n l/n,

we're happy to announce that you've been accepted to the UA academy. classes begin next monday morning, your uniform should have been delivered to you already.

- best regards, UA administration

i stared at the piece of paper. "mom!" i yelled running out of my room. a smile broke onto my face for the first time in awhile as i bounced to my mother. "i got in!"


i exhaled sharply. i was standing in front of the UA school, instead now as a student rather than an applicant. i walked forward taking in the sight of the magnificent school. to my right a group of friends chatted away, catching up. to my left a short boy with purple hair was attempting to look up a girl's skirt.

ugh. immature little prick.

"hey!" i called out to him. "purple hair! get your filthy hands off her and keep your eyes where they're supposed to be."

the boy stops in his tracks, looking over at me before squealing and running off. the girl yells out a soft "thank you!" i smile and nod. seeing the boy again i glare at him and he tries to avoid my gaze. rolling my eyes at him i kept walking to class.

i had reached the door of class 1-A. millions of thoughts roared in my head. i shook off my feelings of anxiousness and walked in.

the desk were arranged in symmetrical order. organized in a perfect square. i liked that.

i had taken a seat towards the back, but not too far so i could see the board. as students kept pouring in, taking their seats or chatting with friends; i set my bag in my lap and hugged it towards my chest.

after a few minutes most of the students had taken their seats but their was no sign of any teacher. suddenly the door is thrown open and a shaggy haired man in what looked like a sleeping bag stepped through the door.

sweet, sweet serenity || bakugou katsuki Where stories live. Discover now