1 || no longer on lockdown

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the state or quality of being free from agitation or strong emotion.

calm·ness/ˈkämnəs,ˈkälmnəs/nounthe state or quality of being free from agitation or strong emotion

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a certain sense of calmness passed over as i stared at the boiling water in the pot. stirring the noodles once more and adding a pinch of salt, i sigh and place the ladle on the countertop. "y/n, sweetie." my mother says walking into the apartment's kitchen. "school is starting soon, where are you thinking of applying?" she asks sweetly. "i don't know at the moment. i have my choice. AU." i say. my mother squeals and pulls me in for a one sided hug. "good choice lovie! i'm sure you'll qualify for it. especially with your quirk"

ah yes. my special quirk. my family is a little, let's say strange in that sense.

"mom i'm hiding my sub-quirk. there's no way i can trust people at school. i cant even trust my own kind." i exclaim pushing her off me. my mother's face softens and she nods sullenly. "mom i'm going to be just using my sub-quirk. i cant afford a repeat of two years ago." i say trying my best to build back up what i broke.

she nods and turns away. "y/n, i just want you to know that i'm here for you. yes i know what happened that night was terrible and you'll never be the same, but i don't want you to be this sad and dull girl. where's my y/n that was bursting with joy?" she cups my face and i stare into her big brown eyes.

"she died along with misu."


dinner was painfully silent. the sound of noodles being slurped and spoons clinking bowls filled the space. i take a sip of my water and excuse myself. "i'm going to finish reading my UA application letter. i'll see you tomorrow morning. goodnight." i stand and take our used dishes.

after washing the bowls in water and placing them on the drying mat i trudge down the hallway to my bedroom. i turn on the lights and fall onto my bed.

two years ago my little brother misu got sick. a deadly virus overtook his young fragile body and sucked the life out of him. all we had to do to heal him was go back to the people who slaughtered my father and friends. but my mother was a coward that night. misu died in my arms and there was nothing i could do to stop it. so i vowed that day to live his dream for him. graduating from UA as the top student in my class.

my train of thought derailed as my mother knocked on my door. "come in." i say, wiping tears that had fallen from my eyes. "a letter from UA." she hands me a letter and leaves the room.

y/n l/n,

we've revived word that you have more than one quirk. that's extraordinary and we'd love to see it in action. be ready to showcase these quirks.

thank you,

- UA

"oh. my. fucking. god."

sweet, sweet serenity || bakugou katsuki Where stories live. Discover now