Ch.7- The power of the quirk

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( last chapter and this chapter might be the same day but I'm breaking it up into two different days just saying UvU This chapter also contains Depression and suicidal things such as cutting. just saying)

I wake up early, I slept seven hours, I must have used a lot of my quirks, especially since I already had two friend lovers. I groan I know that doing that much is just the beginning. I get dressed and I run to U.A. I wasn't expecting this much sleep and I always like to be half an hour early. I guess now I will be just in time. I go into U.A. and I rush into my classroom.  I have just about a minute before class starts and I breathe a sigh of relief. I go to my seat and look to my left, Shoto Todoroki. "Hey, Shoto!" I call out and he looks at me. I gulp. "I wanted if you wanted to train in the park, no quirks though. Uh, after school?" I ask. "Sure, I'd love to get out of the house." He tells me in a cold tone. I know what he is hitting. I used to be that way, hitting every now and then my problems hoping someone, anyone would catch them and solve them. But I gave up hope years ago. I'm just happy that I have some good friends. I then see our professor come through the door and I pay attention, another boring day as usual. 

Later All Might came through the door. I was surprised but not as excited as my other classmates. Even Kacchan seemed to look up. I then see Shoto just having the same expression expect his eyes looked a bit surprised, even amused. I smile, I loved looking into people's eyes for they usually gave away the feelings of others even when the face doesn't. I shake my head and I see our hero suits are already out. I grab mine and change into the bathroom. Mine took a minute to get on, but I walk out there with confidence. I know mine may be a little revealing, but part of my power is causing, the sexier and confidence I seem the stronger I am.

 I know mine may be a little revealing, but part of my power is causing, the sexier and confidence I seem the stronger I am

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^Just the outfit you don't need to look like her just saying and without swords.^

I walk out there and I can feel everyone stare at me. I see Mineta drooling and I see the other boys stare. "Like what you see?" I ask him with my hand on my hip winking. Mineta gets a nosebleed and I laugh. "That's too revealing Y/n!" Kacchan yells at me, "Dammit why are you wearing that? You'll give Mineta nosebleeds every time!" I nod my head, "That's the point." I say and he just looks pissed off, "Look, Part of my quirk allows people to fall for me. The stronger one is romantical. Additionally, lust is an easy way for them to fall for me. The more they like me, the stronger the bound is. But I have to be careful because if they really love me and I break their heart, then whatever heart each the feel, I feel later on when I reverse the spell. Physically or Mentally I will feel the pain. So the more they feel for me the less energy I have to use. Plus I'm beginning to think when I put the spell on them, their quirk is enhanced. The more love they feel more me the more enhanced their power is. It also makes them believe me more. I can't make Kacchan a lovesick puppy and tell him to give everyone gifts because they are all sad. That isn't believable and it isn't in his character. So The stronger it is, the more they will belive foolish things. Like for example, drop your weapons and let yourself be imprisoned for when you do we can be together." I explain not only to Kacchan but to the entire class, "My other quirk allows me to touch a person and I can make their nightmare come to life. It's hard for me to use a friend's nightmare because they want to cause the target pain, they are nightmares. I have only been able to use nightmares even though it is called Dream Catcher. Sometimes if I make myself believe its real than even without me making the nightmare it creates my own nightmare. Some of the quirks gave me mental illnesses but that's all you need to know." I bow and All Might then shakes his head and smiles. We pick cards and I am on the team D. I find my teammate. My teammate is Koda and we are against Kaminari and Sero. I walk over to him and show him my card. "I know you don't talk much.. or at all," I say slowly, but I have a plan I say and he nods. "I just need to touch one of them and we can win. I know you can't use your animal thing very well when there are no animals around in a city. But with a city comes rats, flies maybe, mice, and maybe something else. Can you try your absolute best to call on an animal?" I ask him and he nods. He goes to a room and I watch Kacchan and Deku fight. I'm a bit mad at Kacchan but I understand him. I mean he believes Deku lied to him for years about his quirk because he was quirkless. After the fight, I watch Shoto's fight. I then get ready. I go to the building and I nod. He then calls out to any animal. We stand there for a minute and I smile. A pigeon had landed on his arm. "Command the bird to as sneaky as it can, go throughout the rooms, and tell us which room the bomb is in? Try not to make a sound?" I ask him and he nods. He whispers to it and it flies into the building. "Let's go inside quickly," I whisper and he nods. A few minutes later it comes back to us. We follow it and we see the two with the bomb guarding it. "Ok make the peck them and then go in and try to distract them or tackle them. Do all you can and I will touch them." I explain and he nods. the bird flies in and starts pecking them. It does a few attacks before Koda comes inside and tackles them. I go off to the side and I take Sero's hand. I see a few possible fears I could use. He is scared of his quirk not working that works but if I can't reverse it, but he is also scared of dying, not going to work. Hmm, oh I'll filter it being silly. There we go he is scared of the walls caving in on him. that would give him time. Because he can't use his quirk or get out. I bring it to life and the building's walls start to close in. Sero looks around the walls spring around Sero and he tries to get out but it traps him like a box. I stop the nightmare from going any further and Kaminari tires to electrocute me but the building sends up a wall to block it. I use the walls to also make a big box at first around him and then close it. It is now a cage of walls. I walk dizzily towards the rocket and I touch it. Koda had the tape around him and I let him go first. I bring the walls to the ground and the fear vanished. Sero looks shaken and is still circled up and Kaminari turned dumb. He probably tried to use his quirk too much. I hang onto Koda and he carries me. "Dizzzy..." I mumble as I see the floors and walls go around in circles. I shut my eyes and I open my eyes and fall out of Koda's arms just in time to barf. He pulls my hair back and I continue to barf. He then picks me up and I blackout.

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