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Another two weeks passed. I talked to the doctor in private, explaining that I wasn't engaged to Jon and asked him when I could talk to Jon about our reality. The doctor understood the situation and was even sympathetic to my case, but he warned me that upsetting Jon, which might increase his blood pressure, could cause irreparable damage. Jon's blood vessels in his brain were still healing, and he cautioned me to hang onto my secrets for a while longer.

The staff moved Jon out of ICU and onto a general ward. He started to walk with assistance. He couldn't walk far, but with the help of the physiotherapist, he moved his legs on his volition. Jon returned to being the witty, easy going, intelligent guy that I had agreed to marry.

It frightened me how easy it was to just slide back into our old routines. I mean, would it be so bad to marry Jon? I may not love him in that heart-pounding kind of love that I had for Jordan, but Jon was a good man, and he would be an incredible father. And it wasn't like I was choosing between two men. Jordan had made it abundantly clear that he wasn't interested in me in a romantic way.

When Jon had been a raging lunatic and acted deranged, I had been willing to proceed with this marriage. Now he was sweet, sensitive and kind, but I couldn't imagine moving forward.

I waited in his room while he walked around the ward.

He frowned when he saw me. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you," I said lightly.

"Isn't today Tuesday?" he looked perplexed.

"It is."

"You have your wedding dress fitting today," he said, wincing as he sat back down on the side of the bed. His arm that was holding onto the IV pole was trembling.

Oh shit. I completely had forgotten about that.

"Jon," I said gently, "I don't need to do that today. I'm going to call and cancel."

His gaze flew up to my face. "Sarah. Come on. You told me that you and Beth are meeting at the bridal store for your final fittings and then you're going out for dinner."

"I don't feel like it," I said with a sigh.

He swung his legs with effort back into his bed. "You need this. You've been sitting beside my bed forever. Come on. Get dressed and get out there. You deserve a break. Take a night off with Beth."

I stared dubiously at him. "What about you?"

He shrugged and smirked. "Well, I'll eat a delicious dinner on a blue plastic tray and then I might get adventurous and watch some TV with my mom. I think there might be a rerun of Law and Order tonight."

I didn't give a shit about my wedding dress fitting but the thought of spending some time with Beth sounded appealing. "Are you sure?"

He winked at me. "I'm sick of you. Get out of here."

Two hours later, I stood in the bridal store with Beth. I stood on the podium while the seamstress yanked at my dress. "What have you been eating?" she grunted.

I looked down at the beautiful white wedding dress. "Why?"

She stood up and yanked at the embroidered bodice. "Getting tight in the boobs and too loose in the waist."

"I think it's fine."

"Must be fixed," she said in her thick accent. "Stay there, and I'll be right back."

In the mirror, I looked like a bride. I owned the most beautiful wedding dress in the world, but I felt sick to my stomach. I was marrying the wrong man.

Hooked On You/ A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now