A Sleepless Night

Start from the beginning

The mournful baying of hounds sound in the distance. It's still dark as midnight when I look out, it doesn't look like I had been asleep for very long. From this angle I can see the dirt road that we came in on, it circles around in front of the property, then goes back in on itself back into the thick, black forest.

I can't see the stables from this side, and I'm not sure if the coachman was going to stay or leave after the horses had rested. I should have asked, but it really hadn't crossed my mind. Seeing as how he's a frail older man, it's not like he can do much more than I can do myself.

The howls sound again, this time closer and causing me to jump. I slam the shutter closed over the window and move on to the next one. I didn't think I had opened this many, but it seems every single one in the room is unlocked and ajar.

While going through, I relight some of the candles that had gone out, or strike up new ones. Keeping my mind busy keeps my heart rate steady, holding rising panic at bay at the thought of the truly unknown. I wanted this, there's no turning back now.

No longer feeling like I could sleep, I spend some time working through the house, getting to know the layout and where everything is. While large, there aren't an overabundance of rooms thanks to many of them being so open and airy, the lack of walls closing off one from another. They blend seamlessly, but you know when you've stepped into a new area. The room itself has a feeling to it, an energy.

I hear the dogs several more times, but I get so absorbed with the structure and architecture that I pay them no heed. The warning bells that had been sounding in the back of my head each time they voiced their cries gets disregarded as flights of fancy. It's while I'm in the kitchen preparing food that things pick up in their intensity.

A small loaf of bread was made, vegetables and salted meat found in a pantry, they came together to make a small portion until I can get more supplies in on the morrow. While sitting at the table eating is when scratching is heard at the back door. At first coming in sporadic taps then turning more and more insistent as the seconds go by.

Leaving the food in the kitchen, I retreat deeper into the house, closing doors as I go when able. My heart is thundering in my ears even as it races in my chest. A scream is swallowed down when I hear the backdoor bursting in, the thudding of heavy feet and scrapping claws on the floor can be heard from all the way in here.

Backing up has me hitting the staircase, so I race up its steps and bolt for a room on one of the upper floors. I fight with one of the heavier doors for a few seconds before getting it opened, then have to pull it closed, yet doing it carefully so it doesn't slam and give away where I am. Heaving breaths are the only sounds that echo off the walls around me, a quick glance shows it to be a study.

Light reflecting from outside shines in onto a large desk, some papers sprawled out on its top. Keeping an eye on the door, curiosity has me moving closer to what clues it could reveal. The documents are old, but the writing looks much the same as what my letter had come with.

The one on top looks like a house deed, or something much to that effect. Glancing through, I catch the name of the address where I am. The forest's name has my mouth going dry as it prickles at memories.

I'm not from this region, but I've heard tales of a forest that never sees the light of day. A cursed part of the country where the sun never rises.

Evernight Forest.

As soon as the whispered name leaves my lips, the room's door shudders as something slams into it. A scream is ripped from my lungs as I lunge back into a bookshelf, the impact itself causing bruises to form. Scratching, clawing, and thunderous body slams sound against the door for several seconds, having me falling into a heap with tears cascading down my cheeks.

It goes deadly silent.

When looking out into the room from hands that had gone over my face, there's black smoke flowing under the door and hovering over the floor where the strange light is shining in. My heart is pounding so hard it feels as if it's about to burst through my chest, especially when the mass whirls together and builds upon itself. It morphs until it's in the shape of a large four-legged creature, then starts to take on a more solid form.

Yellow eyes glow from a face that becomes canine in nature, but is like none I've ever seen or heard of. A large black body, shaggy fur, a long whip-like tail, and teeth that look too large for its mouth. I can't tear my eyes away from it, even when it starts to stalk towards me, low, vicious growls coming from its throat.

I start whimpering when it's an inch from my face, those long, dagger-like fangs dripping with saliva. Looking into its eyes, I fall into their depths, the slit irises that look misplaced on a canine face. A snarl sounding from its very chest vibrates my bones and I can't take it anymore, my vision goes totally black as I fall into unconsciousness.

When next I wake, I'm in a bed. Reality doesn't hit me till a couple of seconds after my eyes open, then I'm bolting upright, gaze wild as I look around. I'm alone, there's a fire burning in the fireplace, and the food I'd been eating is on the end table next to the bed.

I start breathing deep sighs of relief, thinking it nothing but a bad dream...until I see the tufts of black fur on the blanket. 

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