Hello again 💙

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Hey everyone it's Beck and it's been a hot minute since I last posted anything at all. I thought I'd give an update as to where I am now.

I'm currently four days post op from two big surgeries. I ended up having to get my whole thyroid removed and multiple organs (total thyroidectomy and hysterectomy; surprise I'm a trans man) because they were all making me very sick. I had to stay in the hospital for a few days afterward and oh lordy was that shitty.

I'm in pain from both operations, but I'm in less pain than I was and will be in with those organs and thyroid in.

I can finally fucking sleep. Like I can't explain how amazing it feels to be tired AND THEN JUST GO TO SLEEP AND STAY ASLEEP LIKE NNXBWGOFKFIAHDJDLDOWU!!!!!! I've just spent a lot of my time sleeping just because I can now lol.

I've been bed ridden for months and was using a wheelchair for long distances (which is basically for going anywhere outside my house), but I walked the longest I have in a very long time using a walker. It was crazy since at the time I was only two days post op in the hospital, but it literally brought me to tears being able to do so. My doctor ordered a walker to be sent to my home so I'm just waiting on that to arrive so I can continue my physical therapy.

I recently started a medication called Lyrica to help with my Fibromyalgia and it works some, but I'm going to need probably more medication and therapies to fully get on top of my chronic pain.

I still miss Nate especially going through this whole process, but my heart is very, very slowly healing. I hope his is, too.

I hope to get back into writing bkdk fics at some point soon. I'm still too under the weather to do so now but there will be more to come, I promise.

Q&A is still going to happen and I'm contemplating doing a face reveal with it so let me know if that's something you guys are interested in and also let me know your questions for said Q&A.

I also want to say thank you for all the love and support. You guys have been so kind and truly amazing. Know that I remember you when I see your usernames and pfp pop up in the comments 💜

I'm keeping this post short cuz ya boi is tired and my mind is kinda fuzzy from pain meds but talk to me in the comments. I've missed you guys a lot.

Much love and big hugs,


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