introduction/Q&A announcement

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Hi. Most of you know me as Beck or the guy who rights bkdk fanfic because I'm a loser or something lol. I haven't shared too much personal info with you guys. All (some) of you know is that my life is quite...messy, that I go by Beck, and that's really the extent of it.

Currently at this point in my life, I have nothing to lose by sharing more and who knows it might be therapeutic in a sense. I'm going to dip my toe in the water with this "book" with a Q&A.

I want to hear questions from you guys because you're the one's who don't know really much about me and probably have questions. I'll answer anything that I feel comfortable with so go ahead and ask whatever you want in the comments and I'll make an update post with all your questions answered. I figure after the Q&A post, I'll get into the heavier shit in regards to my health/ wellbeing.

Hope all of you and your families are staying safe and healthy. I hope to update this/talk to you guys more soon.


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