Chapter 2 - how i first saw him

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I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror.

'this is not a big deal' I said to myself. I turned and walked down the stairs into the living room. They were all sat round on the couches and looked up as I entered. I was about to speak when case did it for me.

'ah here she is, lads this is rae, I can't remember who's met her and who hasn't'

'Hi' I said laughing a little. Hello's chorused.

'We're just about to go out for dinner, are you coming?' Chris asked

'Yeah sure' I replied politely

'Ok lads let's meet back here in 15 minutes to go alright?' Tom said.

Everyone nodded and got up to go get ready. I turned around to walk out the door when I felt a hand on my back. I turned to reece and his dark blue eyes looking straight at me.

'so you're my new floor mate' he said smiling

'Yeah I guess i am' I replied kind of confused

'come to me if you ever need anything' he said walking backwards out the door.

I stood there for a second kind of confused, I was getting this weird tingly feeling in my stomach, oh god. they were butterflies. I ran up the stairs and got to my room, I changed out of my black top into a white knitted crop top, my jeans were high waisted so it fit perfectly. I put on my black converse and found my black zara bag, I put my phone, makeup and money into it and left the room. Just as I was leaving my room, reece was leaving his. He signaled for me to go first down the stairs.

'Ladies first' he said jokingly. 


'JAMES LET'S GO' Tom yelled up the stairs

'Im coming' faintly sounded back

'This is why we call him Diva Kick, he can never get his hair right' Jake said with the boys laughing

After a couple moments james came running down the stairs 'Sorry, was just fixing my..' 'Hair?' Jake interruppted raising his eyebrows 'oh shutup you' james said hitting him

We all eventually left and piled into 2 cars, I sat in the back with reece next to me in the middle and Charlie on his other side. Those two seem to always be together. In the front was Casey and Jake who also always seemed to be together. I was looking out the window when i felt a hand on my thigh,

'Rae, is it ok if we go to nandos?'Reece asked

'Of course go wherever yous want' I replied, Reece smiled

'good because we were going to nandos anyway'

I laughed and hit him lightly in the chest with the back of my hand. We arrived at nandos and all sat at one big table. Reece was next to me again, and jake on my other side. I put my phone down next to jake when it buzzed and he picked it up before I could.

'ring me we need to talk' he read outloud

'whos Luke?' He asked curiously

'My ex lol' I replied

'oh right ok you still have unfinished business or what?'

'No he just doesn't really understand what we're done means' I said smiling at him

'sounds a bit like a knob' he replied

'he is' I reassured him, we laughed and started talking.

He was really nice actually it wasn't awkward, it felt like we'd been friends for ages.

'I can't believe you like ed sheeran as much as I do' he said after we'd had a 15 minute fangirling session.

'i probably like him more'

'Doubt that' he replied

'oi, Amber and her mates are coming over later for drinks and things ayt?' Barclay said looking up from his phone.

'Yes, they're well fit' Casey replied,

'whos amber?' I asked jake,

'She's this girl we met, she was actually a fan of us in the start and then we started seeing her like everyday and we became makes idk'

'Oh right ok' I replied. I was nervous to meet them, what if they didn't like me and isolated me. I always overthink things oh god.

We all got back to the house and the boys went upstairs to change into something nice for the girls coming over, I wasn't sure If i should change so I did anyway. I put on a white bodycon dress and wore an oversized jean jacket over it, I kept my black converse on. As I was spraying my purfume on I heard a knock at the door

'Come in' I gently yelled. Reece emerged from the other side and sat down on my bed.

'You look nice' he commented.

'Thanks so do you' I said tieing my shoelace. he smiled and we walked downstairs together. we walked into the kitchen and saw the tables filled with alcohol, every inch of it i swear. Casey grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side

'you can have some but not too much okay?' he said warning me I nodded hesistantly and went back to the table. We all did 3 sambuca shots before the girls came and everyone laughed at chris' face when he did them, he was such a little girl I swear. I could feel the alcohol spreading and I was starting to get a just a little bit tipsy. I never liked to admit it but I was as lightweight as they come. The doorbell rang and about 12 girls walked in, all stunningly gorgeous. My heart dropped a little, I'd get no attention with them around. They all gave me a kiss on the cheek and seemed lovely at first but after about 2 minutes they were all over the boys and didn't have the slightest interest in me. As to be expected. I grabed a bottle of vodka & my cigarettes walked outside, I sat down on the footpath and lit one up. My phone started buzzing and I looked down to see a picture of me and luke as the caller ID, I really needed to change that. With nothing better to do I answered.

'Hello?' I asked in an uninterested way

'RAE, thank you for answering I really need to talk to you.

'What is it?' I replied kind of hostile.

'Listen I know i screwed up but it meant nothing I swear to god I love you'

'If you loved me why'd you get off with my best mate?' I replied almost laughing

'Listen it was just a mistake, We were drunk'

'Right ok whatever you say, we're still done' I said hanging up the phone, I sighed and took a drag off my cigarette and put my head into my hands. I was having such a shit time, not right now, well right now as well but just in general, I had nothing that made me happy anymore. I just wanted to go to bed but I knew that wouldn't happen with everyone inside. I turned around to look inside through the window and saw reece kissing one of the girls really pasionately against the wall. A pang of pain shot through my chest, I had to stop, he had literally thousands of girls to pick from, not trying to be annoyingly insecure but there's no way he'd pick me. I got up and decided to go for a walk because I couldn't be arsed to be here any longer, I was left out and bored. Down the road I found a cute little park with a swing set down the end of it, I sat down on one of the two. I started playing ed lightly off my phone and put it on the ground in front of me. I lit up another cigarette and started to swing.

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