♤Happiness Is Short Lived♤

Start from the beginning

"Good luck at your job."said Lucas.
"Thanks.I kinda forgot about it."said Jungwoo, chuckling.
"Yeah.Won't blame you.It's really messed up."
Jungwoo nodded.He ended up taking out his book. The one Lucas gave him.

"Isn't that the book I got you?"asked Lucas, smiling.
"I started reading it a couple of nights ago and it's really interesting.Thank you."said Jungwoo.

Jungwoo started reading it. Lucas tried to but Jungwoo was reading too fast for him.

The bell rung. Jungwoo and Lucas walk in their English lesson.

Like always, Dongho is looking at them with disgust. He's probably mad at Jungwoo for getting the job.
Lucas being clueless is always amusing which at least made Jungwoo smile a little.

However, Yuta is sitting in maths. A class he had with Sicheng. Had.
He's not even paying attention to the teacher. He's too busy talking with Sicheng.

i wanna sneak in to china with you

thats cute haha

you should've gotten a bigger suitcase so i could fit in it

yeah lol

i am being serious
i miss you

i miss you too
i wish my dad wasnt such an asshole

lets meet again someday, okay?

yes we shall :)
i love you

i love you too

It was really sad. Yuta looked really sad. He was really sad. No one knew why he was really sad other than his friends. Not like other people care why he's sad. They'd think he's like a pathetic 16 year old girl.

All the memories with Sicheng are coming back to him. The day Yuta confessed to Sicheng and he became his boyfriend. The day they first kissed. The day Sicheng got in an argument with his parents and stayed over at Yuta's. The day they got each other's tattoo. The late night talks. When they promised each other that they'll forever be next to each other. Everything.

Everything is gone.
Forever didn't last.

The bell rung and Yuta has art now. Yet another class he had with Winwin. This time he has Lucas in it though.

Yuta takes the seat next to Lucas and sighs. He's been doing that a lot ever since Winwin told him the news, yesterday.

26th February, yesterday.

Hi Yuta
Can we please meet up?
I have something to tell you

oh since when do you do uppercase haha
see you in 10 in park?

See ya

Yuta got ready. He thought Sicheng decided to make him a surprise or something. He put on his best flanel to cover up his lame anime t-shirt.

He told his parents that he's going out for a bit and headed out. His heart was racing. He still gets butterflies when he sees Sicheng, even though they've been boyfriends for a whole year.

He patiently waits for Sicheng on a bench. When he sees him he waves his hand.

Sicheng got right in front of Yuta. Yuta got up and pecked his boyfriend's lips.
Sicheng sighed and looked his boyfriend right in the eyes.

"Yuta. Nakamoto Yuta. I have always loved you. I still do. I will always love you. We've only been together for one year but it's time we part ways."said Sicheng.
"What do you mean? Are you breaking up with me?"asked Yuta.
"No, I am not. I still wanna be with you."
"Then, what's happening?"
"My dad is forcing the whole family to go back to China because he got a job there. I'm sorry, Yuta. I have no say in this."

Sicheng hugged Yuta. No words being exchanged.
After a while, they break the hug.

"I'll walk you home."said Sicheng.
They started walking while holding hands. It would be the last time they do so.
Yuta's house is really close so they got there too quickly for them.

They look into each other's eyes. They're both trying to take good looks at each other's faces. It's the last time they're seeing each other after all.

For a split second, Yuta's eyes dropped to his boyfriend's lips, driving him insane.Temptation got the best of him.

"I think you should head in before your parents get wo-"

Sicheng couldn't even finish his sentence. Yuta crashed his lips onto his.
Sicheng blinked 2 times before closing his eyes and responding to the other's kiss. Sicheng pulled Yuta closely so there would be no gap between them by grabbing him by the waist.
The kiss got intense and more passionate. Both of the males felt the flame they had got stronger, as if they threw more wood into it.Both of their minds are going crazy as the kiss progresses.
Yuta licked Sicheng's lips to ask for entrance and Sicheng welcomed the other with no hesitation. Yuta started exploring his mouth as Sicheng tightened his grip.
However, they both started running out of air so they both pullled away, a string of saliva forming between their mouths.They were both panting slowly.
You could see sparkles in their eyes too.

"Wow. I didn't expect that."said Sicheng.
"To be honest, me neither. But it'll be the last one for a while. Gotta make it count."

They hugged one last time. Yuta was walking towards the door before he turned around to have a final look at his boyfriend.

His glassy eyes.
His beautiful skin.
His perfect lips.
His cute little nose.
All gone.
The second he steps in it'll be all gone.

They stared at each other for a while until the door behind Yuta opened. It was his mom. She started saying something in Japanese and then pulls him in the house.
Sicheng takes one final look at the house before turning around. He should've been asleep since his plane is really early in the morning.

Yuta and Sicheng ended up crying their eyes out until late at night, looking at pictures of them.
They don't look like the type to do so, which is the reason why this is a part of the story they'll never tell.

Who knew happiness is short lived?

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