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"Yeah and make sure to check her transactions and look for payments over two thousand dollars." Ashlyn said on the phone.

Billie watched as her wife paced around the living room looking for laptop. Billie laughed a little before the pair's daughter got Billie's attention.

"Mama." Aminah tried to grasp at Billie's hair "What, baby?" Billie asked Aminah, who sat in her highchair.

Aminah started to hit Billie's breast hard and Billie chuckled. Billie took the one year old and she lifted up her shirt and let Aminah attach herself to her nipple.

Billie continued to watch Ashlyn go crazy looking for her laptop which was laying directly on the kitchen island.

Ashlyn took the phone off of her ear and mouthed 'laptop?' to Billie. Billie pointed to the kitchen island and Ashlyn walks over opening the laptop and continuing her usual morning conversation.

With Aminah still drinking her breakfast from Billie, she found it hard to open the coffee maker. "Babe." Billie said immediately getting Ashlyn's attention.

Ashlyn realized what Billie needed and she walked over pulling the lever up and patted Billie's ass. "Ok and when you do that, text me." Ashlyn said hanging up on her phone call.

"Alright, you've got me for the rest of the day." Ashlyn told her fiance. The two had recently gotten engaged after six years of being together and Billie had given birth to their one year old.

"Oh really? I usually never have you for the day, you're always busy." Billie said setting the cup of coffee in front of Ashlyn.

"I know, I know, I'm dealing with this murder. We're this close to finding out who killed that little boy." Ashlyn says. Ashlyn was a homicide detective, one of the top in California.

"Do you know who might've did it?" Billie asked. "We think it was his sister." Ashlyn took a sip of her coffee.

"Oh wow, that's interesting, why do think that?" Billie asked.

"So it turns out the boy's sister was diagnosed with some anger issues when she was young and her mother said at times she would lash out at her brother. She took him to the hospital a few times. Also, the sister went to a regular psychiatrist and when she went after her brother died, she seemed happier, less angrier, almost as if her brother's death was a relief."

"Maybe that's how she deals with grief." Billie shrugged. "Or maybe not. When the siblings' father died, the sister was devastated, she was on antidepressants for months, but the second her brother died, they examined her and qualified her stable enough to go off of her medication."

"I mean that's a good factor," Billie said. "But did you look into the mother?"

"No, why?"

"I'm just saying, maybe she has something to do with it. You said that you say you saw behavioral changes in the sister, did you see any in the mother?" Billie mentioned.

"Well, she did get married a few days after the murder."

"Look into that, what kind of mother sobs over her son's death and then get married days later?" Billie askedm

"A psychopath." Ashlyn muttered and a bell rung in her head. "Oh shit! Billie, you're a genius." Ashlyn set her coffee down and got up from her stool.

"I am?" Billie looked up after pulling her shirt down now rocking a sleeping Aminah. Ashlyn grabbed her leather jacket and kissed Billie quickly.

"Wait you're leaving? I thought you took the day off." Billie said.

"I did but you mentioned something, I have to go to the station, I'll be back before you know it." Ashlyn was texting rapidly on her phone.

"Ash." Billie said sternly. "What?" Ashlyn answered. "We got engaged 3 months ago and we haven't celebrated or even sat down to absorb it. I thought we were going to spend some time together today." Billie said.

"I know, I thought so too. But I really have to go, like now. I promise I'll be back so quick, it'll be like I never left." Ashlyn told Billie.

"Yeah okay, um stay safe." Billie muttered and Ashlyn kissed her one more time and Billie put on a smile. The minute Ashlyn left, the smile dropped.

She walked to Aminah's nursery placing her in the crib and going back to the kitchen. She checked her phone again to see if she had gotten her text she was waiting from her friend Tyler.

When she saw zero messages from Tyler, she muttered "Come on Tyler, where are you?" to herself.

Billie dumped Ashlyn's coffee in the drain and she placed the cup in the sink. She went to the living room and sat on the couch. She turned on the TV and glanced at her engagement ring.

She took her ring off and set it on the glass table in front of her and she rested her feet on her couch and fell into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile Ashlyn rushed into the station and she earned a series of 'Good morning Detective.' and 'How's your day, Carmichael.'

She answered the greetings quickly and went to her office. "Carmichael." Ashlyn heard her last name being called. She looked up and saw her boss.

"Oh hey chief." She said while logging into her computer. "I thought you took the day off." Her chief said.

"So did I, but Billie gave me a suggestion about this murder you put me on." Ashlyn said. "Really? What is it?"

"So you know we found the body in the mom's bedroom, but she said her room door was always locked so her daughter couldn't get in and mess shit up?" Ashlyn asked.

"Yeah, I remember." He said. "If the room was always locked, then how did his body end up in there with a noose around his neck?" Ashlyn said.

"Wait, were there fingerprints on the noose?" Chief asked. "Yeah, but our only potential suspect, so we only checked her fingerprints, they came up negative but the mother kept insisting it was her daughter." Ashlyn told him.

"So what are you saying we should do?"

"Get the mother here, get her fingerprints, scan them, easy."

"But what if she refuses?" Chief asks. "Offer her a cup of water, get the fingerprints off of the cup."

"But that doesn't explain the sister's sudden happiness."

"Look, our only job right now is to figure out what happen to this boy. Let's worry about that first." Ashlyn said and the chief nodded and walked outside and Ashlyn could hear him say "Call the ladies up. Mother might be who we're looking for.

Ashlyn thought this would be an easy process but instead she broke her promise she made Billie and stayed at the station until late night.

It turns out the mother was the suspect and was arrested for the murder of her son. The motive was still unknown, but all Ashlyn was worried about was getting home to her girlfriend and daughter.

She arrived at the house but saw sirens and tons of police cars at the front of her home. She parked her car and got out and she was met with one of her co workers.

"What's going on?" She asked her co worker. "Ashlyn.., there's been a situation." He started.

"What happened?" Ashlyn asked. "Before I tell you-" Ashlyn cut him off and walk past him. She was pushed back by a paramedic and she quickly smacked him.

"It's my house, I go in if I want." She ran into her house pushing past the people trying to block her off and made her way into the living room.

She was met with a bloody living room. There was blood on the couch, carpet, tv, and the walls.

"Carmicheal, what are you doing here?" She was asked by her chief. She glanced to the side and saw Maggie on the floor sobbing and she saw a body bag.

"Who's in the bag?" She asked. "Um, you shouldn't be he-"

"Who's in the bag?" She asked sternly.

"It's Billie."

First chapter, what do you think?

Detective Of Murder [Billie Eilish AU] [Short Story] [ ✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now