Chapter 6: Hard Times and Hurt Feelings

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   It's been two weeks since me and Devon spoke to each other. I'm not gonna sit her and lie and say everything is all good when in reality it's not. I miss my besite like crazy but I'm way too hurt to say anything. Slowly Miguel has been taking his spot and by the look on Devon's face he's beginning to hate me more everyday too.

   It's been nice hanging with Miguel lately and I think he's changing and I'm starting to warm up to him and might consisder giving him another chance, despite all the heartache he put me through.

   Today I'm hanging with my girl Brandy because I really needed to talk.

"Girl to be honest I don't know what I'm going to do with Devon he's been a real a-hole lately and it's really pissing me off."

"Well have you ever considered that maybe he really didn't say all those things? I mean let's be real for a minute Nanc, although Devon can't stand Miguel and it is for all the right reasons as to why, I don't think he would go that far and say things like that over someone who is irrelevant."

"That's  bullshit. He's hated Miguel from the beginning. Ever since he found out we were dating he always looked at him differently and act a certain way when was around. Plus he-"

"Would you listen to yourself? How can u defend someone as coniveing as Miguel? Yes, I do understand that you and him are spending quite a bit of time together, but I honestly think it's because you and Devon aren't talking anymore and you need to replace him. You've changed these past few weeks and I personally don't like it. Yes I do understand that you can forgive but you can never forget.  Every time I see you're with him I just can't help but want to slap you repeatedly because you look like a complete fool. Everyone at school is talking about you and Miguel and not in a good way. They're saying things like you're just another one of his hoes, he only wants you for sex, he has a girlfriend on the side and people see him with her after school all the time and all this other stuff. And I hate to say it but I kind of believe them."

"OH SO YOU'RE CALLING ME A HOE!" I yell angrily throwing my nail polish on the floor causing it to splatter on the carpet.  Dang my parents are gonna kill me.

"No I'm not Nancy.  What I'm saying is that he's making you look hella stupid and I have seen him with another girl according to...."

"To who Brandy? " I ask with a frown on my face.

"Devon." she whispers.

"OH HELL NAH! Out of all the people you're gonna believe him, especially after all that crap he told me a few weeks back." I have reached beyond pissed with this girl.

"Regardless of y'alls relationship status,  he's still MY best friend and he saw Miguel and another broad together and took the liberty of taking pictures. If you like... I can show them to you." she said with a smile on her face. Brandy unlocks her phone and tosses me her phone showing the picture.  I push it away from me as if i dont wanna see it. Brandy laughs at me because she knows I'm dying inside. I wanna look at it but on the other hand I wanna trust him. Miguel and I were just getting to a good place again and rebuilding our relationship. But then again I don't wanna be hurt by him anymore. Dang I'm so confused. So Brandy took it upon herself and leave with her phone and didn't come back for a good fifteen minutes.  I was just finishing painting my nails when Brandy came back with a stack of paper, a roll of tape, and some scissors.

"So you don't wanna see what you're friend has been up to, that's fine you can stare for days!" Brandy says placing the the stack of paper on my dresser and begins taping the pictures on my wall. She taped at least ten before I realized what they were. This heffa printed out that picture she tried to show me and was taping copies all over my room.  She can't be serious.

"Brandy, take them pictures off my wall or I'll beat the hell outta you."

"Or die trying!" she spat at me, taping yet another picture on my wall.


   I go to the wall and start tearing them down in a rage of anger closing my eyes trying not see what was on those papers.  But unfortunately a piece of tape got caught on my hand I snatched it off catching a glimpse of what was on the paper before I threw it on the ground.  I looked at it again picking it up because I wanted to make sure it wasn't who I thought it was booed up on this picture. I stared at the picture with my mouth gaped open in such disbelief. It in fact was Miguel with another person. I slid down the wall and ran my hands down my face wiping away tears. Brandy sat down next to me giving me a hug trying to calm me down. She didn't think that seeing Miguel with another girl would cause me to break down like this, but little does she know, she's completely wrong.

   In all my days, I would have never thought to see Miguel with another man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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