Chapter 6: Kids II Mensa

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Cory and I walked out of detention and saw Shawn sitting at the wall. "You waited for me?" Cory asked

"No, he waited for us." I said and shoved Cory out of the way

"Yeah, of course I waited for you guys. Am I not your best friend?" Shawn asked

"You had detention, too, didn't you?" I asked

"Oh, yeah. Mrs. Engles nailed me." He said. I looked at him with a confused expression on my face.

"How'd you get detention in art?" Cory asked

"Well, that's what makes me one of the greats," Shawn said

"Oh, honey, someone lied to you, they lied right to your face." I said sympathetically while patting Shawn on the shoulder

He brushed my hand off lightly and threw his juice cup in the trash. I guess he saw something in the trash because he quickly grabbed it and walked to us. "Hey," He said grabbing our attention

"What?" I asked

"Check this out, answers to a test." Shawn said

"Let me see!" I exclaimed before looking at them

"Guys. We can't be looking at test answers. That's major cheating, detention for life." Cory said and started to walk away

"No, these aren't answers for a real test. They're for the dumb IQ exam we're taking tomorrow." I informed. I handed the paper to Shawn and he balled it up and tried to throw it in the garbage. However, Cory caught it before it hit the bin.

"Wait a minute. Let me take a look at this." Cory said. He unballed the paper and examined it.

"Wow. The person who knows these answers gets a perfect score." Cory said

"On a test that doesn't even count for a grade. Why bother?" Shawn asked

"Are you kidding? This is my one ticket to get Feeny off my back. If Feeny thinks I'm a genius, he'll treat me just as good as he treats Minkus." Cory informed

"Cory, do yourself a favor. Crumple the paper up, throw it away in the trash. Don't complicate your life because it'll automatically spill into mine." I said

"You know, that makes a lot of sense, and if I was a smarter person, I'd probably listen to you, except I'm not a smarter person, but tomorrow, I'm going to be a genius," Cory said

"Yeah, ok," I said before me and the boys walked out of school.


"I have in my hands the results of Tuesday's IQ test, and one person here deserves special mention. This person achieved not only the highest score in the class, not only the highest score in the school but a score so high as to give rise to the question, 'Is there, in fact, a ceiling on human intelligence?" Mr. Feeny said

"Please, Mr. Feeny, you're embarrassing me," Stuart said

"Mr. Minkus, you came in second." Mr. Feeny announced which quickly shut Stuart down

"Second?"Stuart asked

"Mh-mm" Mr. Feeny answered

"As in the context of not first? Someone scored higher than I did on the IQ test?" Stuart asked again.

"Way to be modest," I mumbled

"They blew you out of the academic water." Mr. Feeny said

Cory snickered back at me and Shawn before he turned back to listen to Mr. Feeny, "Someone sitting in this very classroom is a junior Kierkegaard." Mr. Feeny said as he walked over to Cory.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃, 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐍 ( shawn hunter x fem!reader )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن