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OMFG! I can't even! I am officially unable to even right now! Ok, for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about or what TVD is I'll tell you; TVD is a majestically beautiful, swagg-mazing, epic, wonderful, & addictive tv series on the CW channel. TVD stands for; 'The Vampire Diaries', and it is also mine and @colleengrier's favorite show. Ok I'll get to the point now:
TVDd comes on every Thursday... At least it's supposed to but because of the holidays the last episode was on December 11th. The day of the last episode was also the day my friend Tara (mentioned above.) and I found out that the next episode is on, you ready for this..........................................
January 22nd! You know how long of a wait that is!? VERY VERY VERY VERY LONG! (x100,000,000,000) well now it's December 22nd so it's a month away but that's still too long for us TVD fanatics to wait. But I guess it's ok tho cuz the actors and actresses want, need, and have to go home and visit their family and friends for the holidays.

Well thanks for reading this chapter luvs! I hope you all have a wonderful, & majestical holiday!
L💖VE Ami!💐

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