Revenge on Dark Crocodile

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Wow..where to start. Oh I know. Everyone was reunited. Rumple sent a shadow to kill Regina, they tried to kill all of us again....Belle got a library. I'm using my bow with my magic again. I left him for awhile because he tried to kill my friends. Belle and I still talk and now we are looking for his shaw thing. The only thing that can allow him to cross the Town line, I can because of my necklace. Oh and I forgot to mention we can't cross the Town line or we go back to our cursed lives forever.

This morning we had a funeral, Rumple showed Belle and me the way to cross the line. She wants to come and he says she's can't, we haven't fully tested my power to keep my memories.

"Y/n. Please let me make it up to you." Rumple whines, as we work in his shop alone. Belle was at the library. It had been weeks since I'd talked to him, even kissed him.

"You and I will always be on opposite sides. Me with my light magic and you dark. Rumple I can't see how this will belong with Belle." I say for the 10th time this week.

He loves her, but also can't deny his feelings for me. He has nearly told me he loves me but I don't know if I do. Can I even. I mean he's dark and I'm helping the heroes all the time.

A phone ringing broke our conversation, Rumple picked it up and tried to talk to a panicking Belle. He turns to me and states. "We have to go deal with a one handed pirate." Picking up my bow and arrow I go to him, he telephoned us to the library.

Belle hugs him and he tells her she has nothing to fear from him now. She hugs me too and I tell her. "We should really consider giving you a way to defend yourself." She laughed as did I.

Rumple explained his first wife and revenge with Hook. I stand back as he looses it when we get back to his shop, Belle yells at him to stop breaking things. They bicker for a second until I hear my name coming from his mouth.

"Belle please I can't lose you or y/n!

I roll my eyes. He's needs to let me go!

At some point I see him go and get a gun, telling Belle how to use. Running up to him I call out. "So what I'm supposed to protect her too?"

He turns giving me a nod, his eyes read something else. You can handle yourself against a pirate but please yes.

We did as he least until we knew he was far away. Belle went and tried to get the shaw. Hook nearly chokes me, but he chases her. Trying to catch my breath and going with her we end up trapped by him. I create a fire ball about to throw it when I hear Rumple shout. "Or what!"

I let the fire die, as they fight. Belle shouts and begs him to stop. Telling him there's good in him.
As he beats hook with his cane I turn away trying to watch and not watch at the same time.

We left the ship but as he comforted Belle I teleport in front of him, anger in my eyes ranting. "You want me back well this just proves it all, once again.....we're on different sides. I want to be with you. Yet my friends get hurt because of what I want protect everyone else, I'm choosing to protect myself."

✅Rumple's Light Apprentice (Ouat Rumplestiltskin x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora