"Tsukiko!" Tanjiro calls out charging in her direction. A demon was reaching for her, but she couldn't turn in time. It was already too close!

Tanjiro's blade came down less than an arm length from her. A slash appeared on the demon's shoulder but did not do any other damage. Tsukiko had been in the way of the attack.

Tanjiro attacked again on his landing but could not connect a swing. The demon moved away from their group to distance itself from the boy. Tanjiro moves to continue advancing on the demon but that would only bring bad fortune to the group.

"No Tanjiro! There are three of them and two of us! We cannot separate!" It was a task to call out so loudly to Tsukiko. The demon had done more damage than she initially thought.

She was right. Tanjiro nodded at her words. There were two of them but having to be close to Kazumi meant not him being able to take a full swing.

"They'll go stale! Get out of the way you little punk!" The demon yells out to the Tanjiro. "The one in the green Kimono is sixteen already and the other is close behind! They're losing flavor by the second! If I don't eat them soon there won't be anything left!"

"You are not eating Tsukiko!" Tanjiro yelled back to the demon. He only just reunited with the girl and he was not letting any demon take her away. She had filled his thought since they last saw each other after final selection.

Tsukiko missed Tanjiro's words. She did not let herself become distracted by the demon. Instead she focused on where Tanjiro was not looking.

Her legs moved on their own when she saw it. The beginning of another black pool where a demon would appear. Tsukiko charged forward and swung her sword. The head of the demon thumped on the ground and turned to ash. There was one demon down and two to go.

The teeth of the other two demons rubbed together to make a horrific sound. It lasted only for a second before they disappeared.

Tsukiko stepped forward so she was close to the boy holding the girl. There was only enough time to pull them away from Tanjiro as the two remaining demons began an onslaught of attacks on him.

"Behind you!" Tsukiko cried out to him. The demons were moving so fast it was hard for Tanjiro to keep up. He would be skewered!

Tsukiko had not been expecting the box on Tanjiro's back to burst open but it did. A girl in a pink kimono with a bamboo mouth restraint emerged. She sent a head spinning kick to the demon attacking. A growl came from the girl and she stepped out.

She turned to face Tsukiko and the others she was protecting. That is when Tsukiko saw it. The girl was a demon. Tanjiro was traveling with a demon.

The girl began approaching them. Her eyes on the boy and girl in his arms. Tsukiko moved into a defensive stance in front of them. The demon's pink eyes shifted to Tsukiko's through her veil.

Tsukiko saw the truth.

The demon was no danger to her or other humans. She wanted nothing but to protect humans.

Tsukiko relaxed and stepped aside so that the demon girl may approach the other two. She placed her hands tenderly on both of their faces.

A breath that Tanjiro had been holding when Tsukiko brandished her sword was released. Tsukiko heard it and have a faint chuckle.

"Don't worry Tanjiro," she turned to smile at him. "I won't hurt her. What is her name."

"My sister's name is Nezuko." He stated staring at his sister and the other two.

Nezuko turned around and two more pools appeared. It then became clear to Tsukiko.

Nezuko would help them fight. She would never harm a human.

Within Her Eyes - Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now