Back On Track

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A/N: I know the last few chapters were just snippets of dragonets, but we are back on track with the story now. Also, ~Time Skip~


Walking through a city with eight dragonets is not a good idea, but their parents had to work and stuff, so Turtle and his friends were 'babysitting' them, while they were shopping for decorations for the new and improved Outclaw Pool. What better place to do that than Possibility, where dragons from many different tribes lived, so there were bursts of different coloured fabrics and artworks at every turn. The only problem was, the dragonets wanted to look at every little thing they thought was nice.

The twins, Dawn and Dusk, stopped at almost everything, Dawn racing ahead most of the time though, Dusk trying to keep up with her enthusiastic sister.

Seagull stopped at most of the sculptures and paintings of the ocean, and Abyss was mainly chatting with Capricorn about the deeper meanings of art.

Copper stuck beside his sister, sometimes using some of the money Clay gave him for food and things to help decorate the Outclaw Pool. Bronze sometimes ventured to chat with Abyss and Capricorn, but was mainly under Copper's wings.

Heatwave was talking to Qibli about the cafe and what it's like, while Capricorn was chatting with Abyss and Bronze, sharing her insights into scrolls and art.

When they finally came to the shop Thorn described, the dragonets explored every square inch carefully, admiring everything in sight, stopping only to take things off shelves and show them to Moon and Kinkajou, asking if they could put it in the cafe.

Turtle looked around. It certainly was a beautiful shop, and he knew why Thorn wanted them to go here. There was something for every tribe to love, and within their group, they had someone for each tribe to pick things out, including the dragonets. 

Turtle smiled as his nephew Seagull, (oh my moons Turtle has a niece and nephew...and Seagull and Abyss have 30 uncles...), came up to him. 

"Hi Uncle Turtle! I found this! Is it good?" Seagull said, showing Turtle a glass sculpture of waves, coloured in bursts of blue and green. It was the perfect size to fit along the serving bar of the Outclaw Pool.

"Yes Seagull that's great! Ask Qibli if we can buy it for the cafe." Seagull dashed off, excited.

Turtle walked around and checked out the beautiful art. There were gem sculptures for each queen, a pack of diamond scrolls, and a glass dragon skull, with a scavenger one to match. A painting of a dragon flying through a hurricane caught his eye. Abyss, Bronze and Capricorn were trying to figure out the meaning behind it. 

"I'm telling you, it's of when Clearsight journeyed to Pantala!" Capricorn was saying.

"Yeah, but you don't know that for sure!" Abyss challenged. 

"But-" Capricorn cut off. Turtle knew that Starflight and Sunny wanted to keep her enhanced powers a secret, instead saying that she didn't have any NightWing powers.

Bronze interrupted, her quiet voice barely audible over the loud noises the other dragonets were making. "Capricorn could be right... but it's true, we don't know for sure..."

Turtle turned away, hearing the door to the store open, and the little bell ring.

"Uncle Umber!" Copper barreled Umber over, Bronze following. They all laughed as he sat up, wiping dust from his wings.

"Hey guys," Umber said. "I've come to help!" Copper and Bronze cheered, until Umber continued. "We've got to get back to the Outclaw Pool, Queen Thorn needs it up and running as soon as possible."

Qibli took action, noticing that there were at least one dragon from every tribe with them. "Ok, take ONE thing that you like, pay for it, and we'll get going."

The twins, Dusk and Dawn, shared between them a massive amount of vines and leaves, enchanted to never dry out, to hang along the roof and walls.

Seagull took the long wave sculpture, and Abyss took some rocks carved with water droplets.

Copper took a frame of glass for the skylight on the roof. Bronze helped her brother carry the glass, and taking perfectly woven twigs to surround the candles that would go on each table.

Heatwave took glass models of fire, and a vintage sword for himself. Starflight would be dissapointed, he wanted his son to like reading, not fighting, but he let Heatwave follow his heart. Capricorn took the pack of diamond scrolls Turtle saw earlier, humming happily to herself.

Winter lept into action and rounded up anything even remotely related to snow or ice, Qibli took a painting of sun over sand. Moon took a painting of a starry night over a forest, saying that hers and Qibli's could be side by side, like night and day. Winter was fuming at that. Kinkajou picked some hibiscus flowers from outside, saving them some money, and Umber gathered up some pots and pans for the kitchen. Turtle looked around, not knowing what to take, until he saw a large slate pad, which came with writing utensils. He grabbed that; it would be good for writing the menu on.

Dawn and Dusk moved to stop Winter at the door. "Mister Qibibli said only ONE thing to take."

"Sorry Igloo-Face," Qibli said with an incredibly straight face, "but I'm under strict instructions to make sure your head is a size that can still fit through doors."

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