Do you remember?

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Stiles P.O.V.

I got home from school and sat in my rolling chair at my laptop. What Scott told me had me thinking. What if he was bitten by a wolf? Are wolves still in California? Could he become a werewolf?

I opened a window and googled werewolves. I got so many different answers; ranging from fake sites, RPing sites, to wiki-links. I kept looking when I can across articles that talked about symptoms to becoming werewolf, or licuians. I printed some of the pages out and used a red marker to note some of the symptoms that matched how Scott was reacting. After a few hours of research my dad came home with fast food.

"Stiles!" he shouted as he walked to me room door.

"Yeah?" I got up and walked out my room.

"I brought food," he smiled and walked back. I followed. I looked at the high cholesterol food sitting on the table. I frowned and looked over to dad.

"Dad, really?" I picked up a take out bag of fries.

"I'm still as healthy as a horse so I'll have these," he took the bag from me.

"Dad, you know th-" someone knocked on the door.

"I got it," I walked to the door. Dad began to take out the food from the bags.

"Hey," I opened the door. What the? Why the?

"Hey Stiles, I need to talk to you," Derek began. I looked at him shocked that turned to confusion.

"Why are you stalking me?" I asked.

"Yesterday you and your friend come onto my property. When I saw you I knew we have met before. I tried to figure it out but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't. Then as you left I remembered. You were the same kid who talked to me in the hospital years ago when my family where burned in a house fire." He spoke. I walked out the house and left the door ajar.

"I don't remember," I lied. He glared at me and looked straight into my eyes.

"You're lieing" he crossed his arms across his broad chest.

"I'm not, I got to go," I walked back to the door. Derek closed the door and shrunk the four feet of space we had. I could feel his breath on my cool skin. The sun was had settled and Derek was brooding over me. I looked up to see his face that was frowning.

"Am I that bad of a person?" he asked. What? Why so different?

"No, I didn't say you were. But with that frown people would say life hates you. Not saying that it does, if so you wouldn't loo-" I shut my mouth and watched his face frown harder.

"Fine, I guess Spider-man was better," he backed off.

"I got to go," I stumbled back to the door and walked in.

"Who was it?" Dad asked. I smiled as I walked back to him, "some person asking for directions."

"Okay, well I'm starving," I walked to the table to see curly fries waving at me.

"Mine!" I took them and sat down. Dad chuckled as I began to stuff my face.

Derek P.O.V.

"Fine, I guess Spider-man was better," I walked back. I turned around and got in my car. Why would he try to lie to me? Did I do something? I watched as he stumbled back into his house. I looked at the sky and drove off. When I got to my house I sat on the pouch when something else swam in my head. Who bite Scott? Was an alpha passing by?

I got up and walked in the house. Memories of my family danced in my head as I walked from room to room. I remembered Laura trying to take care of me when mom, dad, and Peter left for a meeting a few towns away. She tried to cook us some dinner. I smiled when I remembered them coming back and dad cook us real food.

Memories after memories came. After a while of thinking I walked outside to go for a run. As I ran I heard someone following me. I stopped and listen. Nothing. I kept running until I got tired. I stood in the middle of the woods thinking of Stiles. He keeps leing to me about that night. I know that we both weren't in the best of minds but still.

My mind raced as fast as I ran, maybe faster. It thought over all the 'conversations' Stiles and I had. Then my mind stopped on the conversation he was having with his friend 'Sam?' no 'Sal'? no I think it was more like 'Scott?' him. He told Stiles about being bit and Stiles was joking around saying something like, 'look everything will be fine, its just a bite. It's not like some werewolf bit you."

Funny how much he didn't know. To me his friend looked too dense to get the joke or understand what happened in this town. Then his following sentence finally was clarified in my head. He said, "Stiles this is Beacon Hills," I just couldn't remember what he said next.

Who ever bite him must be behind the message sent to Laura, the message that cost her life. Who ever bit Scott might have killed my sister. Who ever did it will have me to deal with. Even if I'm not an alpha I'll have them pay, for Laura.

"Who are you?" I asked myself as I walked around the front of the house. There it was again, the noise that was following me in my run. I looked around then the noise was gone. I tried to listen for any heart beats but nothing. I walked around to look for whatever made the noise to only return empty-handed.

'She was the alpha, so that means whoever killed her must now be the alpha. The same one that bit Stiles' friend. If he lives he will be another problem, but if he dies then that wouldn't be my problem.' I thought to myself as I walked into the house.

'So the werewolf who did it might still be here," I spoke outloud as I paced around. I walked up the faulty stairs and went to sleep. The moon was in the middle of the sky, almost a full moon, and the day will be busy. I went off to sleep. The problems are only going to get bigger and hopefully I don't get killed solving them.

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