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We end up watching a movie. It's a comedy so we are all laughing pretty lousy. "Can you turn it down a bit?!" I hear someone exclaim. It's Yoongi.

"Please don't ruin the fun Hyung..." Jimin says, "We're in the middle of welcoming (Y/n)..."

"I don't care if your welcoming someone, I'm tired and I can't sleep." Yoongi replies.

I sigh and take the remote, I turn it down and the boys just look at me, "There you go." He turns and walks to the kitchen, "What? No thank you?!"

"I don't need to thank you. It's common sense to turn down the tv when people are sleeping." Yoongi says.

"I can't believe you." I say looking down. I shut my eyes and hear up walk up the stairs. "Why does he hate me?"

"He's not usually this bad." Namjoon says, "I'm sure it will get better."

"Yeah right, he totally hates me and doesn't want anything to do with me." I sigh and feel tears coming to my eyes.

"How about you sleep over?" Hoseok asks.

I look at him, "But I don't have another pair of uniform or pyjamas."

"You can borrow something from me." Jin says, "We can also wash your uniform and put it in the dryer. I wake up really early so I can iron it for you too."

"You don't have to Jin..." I say.

"No, it's no problem."

I agree to sleep over, I offered to sleep on the couch but Namjoon said to sleep with him in his bed. He told me not to worry because Taehyung rooms with him.

Jin gives me a hoodie and a pair of track pants to wear as pyjamas, he also took my uniform and put it in the wash.

"Are you sure it's okay?" I ask Namjoon.

"I'm sure, Tae is here also remember." He says smiling.

"Becareful, Namjoon can be huggie." Tae says in a mocking tone.

I look at Namjoon and he shrugs, "Don't listen to him."

I lay down on the bed and shut my eyes.

Someone busts the door open and screams, "Get up! We have to go to school!"

"No..." I say, "A bit longer..."

"No (Y/n)! Your uniform is ready and so is breakfast!"

"Breakfast?!" I exclaim jumping up knocking Namjoon.

"(Y/n)..." Namjoon grumbles, "What's happening?"

I run out of the room and go downstairs. I start eating breakfast until someone walks down the stairs. "Good morning." I say looking over and seeing Yoongi.

"Morning." He says going to the fridge.

"How was your sleep?" I ask.

"Why do you care." It didn't sound like a question, more like a statement, but I answer him anyways.

"Because, I believe that everyone deserves to be cared about."

"Even if they hate you?" Yoongi asks sitting down.

"Even if they hate you."

He scoffs, "Thats ridiculous, in the real world that doesn't happen."

The others walk down. "I said it was I believe, not realistically!" I exclaim.

"Well, I think it's unrealistic and you should think it through."

"Why are you so mean to me?" I ask.

He puts down his spoon and looks me dead in the eyes, "Because, I. Don't. Like. You."

"It doesn't mean you have to be mean." I reply looking down.

"How else am I going to express it? You want me to hit you? Scream at you?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Then, deal with it." Yoongi says standing up and walking up the stairs.

I sigh and feel tears coming to my eyes, I can't believe it just doesn't like me, maybe he's quick to judge. But, I'm still nice to him, maybe, I should just not care about him. But I know I can't just do that, it's not my nature.

I can't help it anymore and I start crying. The boys, who were just standing and listening quickly run up to me.

"(Y/n)..." Namjoon says, "Don't cry, come on."

I can't stop myself, it just hurts me so much, "I'm sorry..." I say wiping my eyes.

"Don't be sorry." Jin says, "It's not your fault. No, eat up, we have to go."

I nod and continue eating my breakfast. Today is the second day of school, I can't let this drag me down, I need to concentrate.

We head off it school, Yoongi didn't talk to me or anything while we were walking, and to be honest, I didn't talk to anyone. I'm just so upset about it, I don't know why.

We walk into the school and everyone starts whispering. I look at Namjoon and he smiles, "They're talking about us." I say, feeling insecure.

"They're talking because you're with us." Jungkook says smiling.

"But..." I say, "Why?"

"Well, we'll be debuting as idols in a group called Bangtan Boys, or BTS." Jimin explains.

"Really?!" I exclaim smiling.

"Really." Tae says, "Crazy right?"


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