The only next morning Draco had the history of magic with Professor Seaton whereas I had divination class thing with Professor Trelawney. I was utterly terrified of her! Ben, Beth and I wandered into the class together and Trelawney let us work in a three. She told us to look in the person sitting opposite us' cup of tea leaves and based on the pattern inside, see what it meant. I looked in Ben's, who looked in Beth's, who looked in mine. Beth's tea leaves saw love and hope, Ben's saw success and happiness, mine also saw happiness but a deadly enemy lies ahead was also saw, which worried me deeply.

"It's just a load of nonsense, don't stress about it!" Draco told me, calmly, finding it hilarious at how worried I was.
"You're cute when you're nervous." He giggled, so I hit him gently and told him this was serious! We had magical beasts next, with Hagrid who told us he had a real treat and led us to a forest. We carried our books, which looked like a creature as it had eyes and a mouth with fangs! Hagrid told us to open our books to page 49.
"How do we do that?" Draco asked as the book would attack us if he just opened it, as we discovered on the train ride...
"You just stroke the side, of course!" Draco and I did so, he was so gentle with it, I couldn't help but smirk at how hot it was! Neville, however, didn't do this, resulting in him being attacked by the book. It's always Neville, bless him!

We gathered in a group and waited for Hagrid to come back.
"I think they're funny." Hermione moaned, being as sarcastic and snotty as usual.
"Oh yes terribly funny, extremely witty in fact." Draco giggled, mocking her. I didn't mind as such as I didn't like Hermione much, she seemed to believe she was smarter than the rest of us and I do feel Draco should try to put her in her place a bit but as usual, Harry had to step in to be the hero.
"Shut up, Malfoy." He snapped, strutting over trying to be intimidating. Draco smirked, loving how he wound them up which, I must admit, I too found a bit amusing.
"Ooooh." We all laughed and Draco gave Crab his bag. He gave it to him so calm and slow, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, he was just gorgeous. He over exaggerated Harry's strut, to further get at him which I further found highly sexy! He further did this by biting his lip, making me lose my mind! He then stopped and began to shake, looking completely terrified and pointed behind Harry, which I was so confused about and shouted "Dementor! Dementor!" Harry quickly turned, obviously terrified, to which Draco pulled my hood from my cloak over my head and told me to play along, which I obviously did. He, Crab, Goyle, a few other Slytherins and I all started making ghost noises as Harry turned back around to us. I did feel a little bad but it was only a joke! Hermione pulled Harry away and pulled a face at us then glared at me before turning back around. Hagrid then grabbed our attention by showing us a creature I'd never seen before! It was sort of built like a horse but had feathers, wings and a head like a bird, a beautiful creature, though!
"He's gorgeous!" I exclaimed, to which Draco gave me a sly smirk and pulled me closer to the front of the group so I could get a better look.
"Say hello to BukBeak! Isn't he beautiful!" Hagrid exclaimed and I nodded, glancing at Draco who was still smiling. BukBeak was a Hippogriff, which is a very proud creature who can easily be offended.
"Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid asked and turned to prepare. Draco nudged me but I was too nervous and he could tell.
"You can do it!" He exclaimed, "you won't offend him, your amazing with animals!" Still, Harry was picked as everyone backed up apart from himself, making it look like he volunteered. He had to bow to BukBeak till he did the same. Draco then shouted "Maiya wants to go next!" And smiled at me. I gave in and said I would and Hagrid said yes, after Harry. Harry then was aloud to touch BukBeak who I thought was going to attack Harry so I grabbed onto Draco's arm without realising. I then looked at him awkwardly but he just smiled and nodded, he held my hand and we both continued watching. By this point, Hagrid was lifting Harry onto Bukbeak's back! I told Draco I wasn't going to ride Bukbeak as I was nervous and I was wearing a skirt.
"Yeah, they aren't aloud to look." He smirked and I giggled and hit him, playfully. Harry and Bukbeak came back a little while later and it was now my turn. I told Hagrid what I told Draco about riding him and he said that was fine. As I walked to the creature, Harry was walking back and we both glared and nudged each others' shoulder as we passed. I bowed to the creature who looked at me, strangely. I don't think he liked me much, maybe because of what just happened with Harry. I was persistent however and bowed further. I looked at Draco who told me to remain calm, I turned back to see the creature coming closer. I stood up, thinking that was all I had to do but Bukbeak didn't like this. Hagrid told me to quickly bow again which I did. I shut my eyes, hoping for it all to be over. I heard Draco say something to Ron, I looked at Bukbeak who was watching them. I turned to see Ron and Draco arguing and heard Draco say "yeah, I heard what you said to Hermione. Bukbeak, attack, wasn't it? You're lucky I don't spell you now, Weasley!" Harry then got involved, resulting in Bukbeak getting frustrated because he likes Harry, I think. I tried to back off, as Hagrid had said but that resulted in BukBeak getting further angered.
"Attack, Bukbeak!" Ron shouted, laughing. I looked at Draco, worried. Draco then looked terrified and came running towards me, I turned to see Bukbeak ready to attack. Draco pushed me, resulting in Bukbeak hitting him on his arm with his hoof! Hagrid pulled Bukbeak away to Harry and Ron giggling. Hermione seemed a bit more worried. Hagrid said Draco would be fine but I told him he had to be taken to the hospital.

I got to him after my next lesson to see he was in a sling as Bukbeak had injured him quite badly. I held him and thanked him for what he did.
"Better me than you." He smiled and I cried a little. I couldn't help but feel so guilty. It wasn't Draco's fault!
"It's not yours either," he argued, "it's Saint Potter and his band of idiots!" I had to agree, if Ron hadn't have told Bukbeak to attack, he probably wouldn't have. I stayed with Draco as much as I could and visited him after each lesson. He could go by the end of the day so we decided to go to the library to have some peace. We talked for hours, laughed, flirted, he even danced for me a bit which I found hilarious, but cute! Finally we had to go to bed, we walked to our common rooms, but before I went in he said "Goodnight," as usual then kissed me once again as usual but said, "I love you."

He loves me? The last time he said something like that was before we even got together, last year! I know it was nothing to get overly excited about but he told me he loved me! I wandered to my bed without saying a word, just lying there, star-struck. Could we be moving further in the relationship? I honestly hope so.

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