{3} Paint your identity

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no, Carl. They just pushed me around" Markus replied, assuring Carl that he was fine. "I'm fine. All right, I'll take you downstairs now." The Android gently carried the elder man over to his wheel chair, sitting him down slowly. He then pushed the man out of the room, the doors opening by themselves for the two.

Markus kept walking only to stop in his tracks seconds later. Below them was one, medium sized flight of stairs. Markus hooked up Carl's wheelchair to a machine that helps the man go up and down the stairs. After pushing the button up next to the lift, Markus followed Carl down the stairs. The lift soon came to a halt, Markus unhooked the wheelchair, going back to pushing the man in a wheel chair, taking him behind two doors. behind the two doors were a huge table, pretty huge for just one man. There was a large flat screen in front of the tv, couches, chairs. Was no doubt that this was the living space.

Markus rolled Carl over behind the table before leaving him only for second, grabbing the food that was already prepared, coming back only a minute later. He placed the plate and drink down gently before revealing the food. Pancakes with strawberries and blueberries on top. There was a small amount of syrup on them, just how Carl likes it. He also had three pieces of bacon, which was crispy, like Manfred asked for.

"Thank you, Markus" Carl said, showing his gratitude for the android. "Hey, why don't you go and find something to do while I get done eating my breakfast."

"Will do, Carl" Markus nodded, smiling softly before going off, obeying the request. The android searched and scanned the room for activities to do while Carl finished his food. There was three to four large book shelves, which held countless books in a row. Scanning the row, three books on one of the middle shelves stuck out. Shakespeare, keat's Ode,  Plato. All three were recommended by Carl, which is why they stuck out more then the other several books. After processing his choices, Markus picked up Plato's Republic, immdiantly getting into the reading. Already half way through when Carl rolled himself over to Markus.

"What are you reading?" Carl asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh, uh, Plato's Republic" Markus smiled, looking over at the man. "One of the books you recommended."

"How do you like it so far?" Manfred asked the android, honestly curious of what Marcus liked and felt about the book.

"I personally like philosophy" Markus started, closing the book gently before placing it back in its spot, doing simple arm motions. "It asks the question of what is wrong and what is right, for example. It's not something that's so easy to decide."

"Asking questions that have no answers are part of being human, Markus" Carl simply explained. "Lets go to the studio." Markus nodded at this before getting up, getting behind Carl, rolling him into the messy, art space. The curtains rolled up by themselves once the two made it inside, showing the beautiful morning skies and nature. Markus came to a halt once they were behind a giant lift, which attached itself to Manfred's wheel chair. "Curtain open." Markus went over to the rope that helped roll the curtain up, doing as told. Carl's lift automatically, slowly, and safely to where he was able to finish his big painting, which was revealed when the curtains raised.

Has Carl started painting, Markus d ecjded to clean up around the studio. It had to be done sometime this week, and right now seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. He picked up the abandoned paint laying on the ground and tables, putting them on top of the shelves meant for paints and other art supplies. He also moved a few dried and finished art work, cleaning the table. After two minutes of cleaning, Carl's lift slowly took him down by Carl's demand, of course.  Markus smiles has he walked beside  Carl, looking at the finished masterpiece of Carl Manfred.

Markus had his hands behind his back, looking at the painting. Intriguing, yet confusing. "So.."Carl spoke, back him and his wheelchair up to see the entirety of the painting. "What's your verdict, Markus?" The android processed the question, still staring at the painting, looking interested, which he was.

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