We Could Be Beautiful

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Summary: An alternate universe where Draco is killed for protecting you.

Tags and Warning: Angst, intentional grammatical errors, major character death, enbyphobia (discrimination against NB people), blood


Pronouns: They/Them

Author's Note: Heathers seemed fitting for this so I had to write some angst. Also, It's been months since I went on here, truly sorry for disappearing like that.

Words: 1111

"LET ME GO! LET GO OF ME YOU DIRTY GIT!" I screamed and thrashed, trying my best to kick my way out of the death eater's grip. He threw me on the cold marble floor and I look up. All I saw were the Malfoys. The parents' refused to even look our way as they shoved me in their once functional home. It was clear to me that they have seen terrible things. Terrible things happening in their beloved home.

Meanwhile Draco, the love of my life, the eyes that once held the most smug expression with a mischievous shimmer in those steel grey orbs were now foggy from fears and regret. There were tears he tried to conceal. The tears that could damage his family's reputation. His eyes screamed for help, begging for forgiveness he knew he couldn't receive from his classmates.

My chest felt heavy and my lungs felt dry. Draco looked at me and he tensed. His jaw locked and his lips started quivering. "Wh-What are they doing here?" He asked.

"They was escaping Hogwarts so we took her."

He was visibly angry but his expression quickly shifted into terror as I heard their huge doors open behind me. His aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, had entered the room. She cackles as she steps on the side of my head, locking it in place of their dusty floors.

"What do we have here?" She bends to have a better look at my face as a quiver in anxiety. "Hmm... What do you go by, darling?", she asks with an endearing tone that was so sickening. Before I could answer, she quickly removes her foot from my head and kicks me on the stomach. "Doesn't matter, it's going to be dead any moment anyway!" She snorts as she skips towards her nephew, caressing his face making the hairs in the back of his neck stand to its ends. "I bet you've made yourself familiar with this wretched person. What is it," Draco clenches his fists, prepared for the discrimination I once ran away from, "Is it a he or a she?"

"They go by they/them." He quickly responds, pushing his aunt's dainty fingers off his face. "And they are a human, stop referring to them as 'it'." He tries to stare down his aunt but immediately cowers back when her aloof smile became a frown. "Hmph. So you do know them. Associated with them even." She grabs me by the neck and pulls me up, forcing me on my knees. "Are they you're significant other, Draco?", she asks as her grip tightens around my neck. Draco looks panicked as my face turns blue, "Yes! Yes, they are." He says as he tries to grab me from her.

"D-Draco-" I manage to wheeze out before she throws my across the floors. "What? Are you trying to save you're poor little boyfriend? Gosh, Draco, just tell me what this thing prefers before I snap it's neck!" She yells before she points her wand it him. Narcissa immediately intervenes. "That is enough, Bella." She snarls at her sister as she pulls her son behind her. "You've taunted him too much."

Before Bellatrix could even respond, Draco immediately runs over to me and picks me up, running outside the manor. We hear his family shriek as Bella orders the other death eaters to chase after us. We found ourselves in their hedge maze, were he sits me down and held me. "D-Does anything hurt?", he asks, his voice shakey and soft, I nod before getting a hold of his face, putting our foreheads together. I take a deep breath before sobbing into his shoulder. He comforts me, rubbing my back as I cry into his shoulder. He shushes me before mumbling a familiar tune.

"I am damaged. Far too damaged. But you're not beyond repair. Stick around here, make things better, 'cause you beat me fair and square."

Rustling of leaves were heard behind us and we look up, Bellatrix and her cronies have found us. She pulls her nephew aside before one of them could grab me. Draco squirms helplessly as his parents pull him away from the maze. "You'se make a lovely addition to the Master's victims, yes." He smirks menacingly at me as he points a little knife at my throat.

please stand back now

Draco apparates across the end of the maze, running towards us, grabbing my in the process, we run for our lives as they begun to chase us once more. We heard a loud crack right before a death eater stood before our very eyes. "You've been a naughty little boy, little Malfoy."

a little further

He shoots a spell right at us before we apparate some place else. The sudden motion made my head twirl and spin around before we landed into the dirt.

don't know what this thing will do

I slowly stood up only to see that Draco has been severely injured. A large gash across his chest somehow appeared, an intense amount of blood rushing out of it, seeping through his clothes. He coughs violently, which led to more blood seeping out but through his mouth. I gasp, rushing to his side as tears filled my line of vision. "D-Draco, he-hey,"

hope you'd miss me

"You're gonna be fine budd-buddy" I say as my voice cracks, applying pressure onto his wound, hoping it would stop the bleeding. He looks at me with his cloudy eyes, meekly putting a finger to my lips. "N-No... It-It's fine."

wish you'd kiss me

"Please... Tell my parents..." He whispers before closing his eyes. "That I deeply app-appreciated all the things they tried to do for m-me."

then you'd know I worship you

"An-And I..." He takes a deep, sharp breath

I'd trade my life for yours

"I will always love you..." He smiles before his face went completely pale. I sob violently, shaking his body, in denial. "D-Draco... Draco!" I yell. "Draco, please!"

and once I disappear

The battle of hogwarts had ended without Draco witnessing Harry winning against Voldemort. I carried the burden to tell everyone including his parents. I carried the burden, blaming myself for his death. He'd still be by my side if I didn't get caught.

clean up the mess down here

At the funeral, only his parents and I went. I sat by myself, quiet and cold as I heard the woes of his mother and empty consolation from his father.

After awhile, they finally left me alone. I sat next to his grave and sobbed.

our love is god.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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