Gripping onto the slim handles of the small black 'cauldron' for a pot with a ladle settled inside, the smell of the curry she had just cooked steamed off the top, making her own mouth water, the same delicious aroma heading over and attracting a certain tanned defender of the team.

All three managers briskly set down their stuffed platters down onto the table Aki had rolled in, Fuyuppe walking towards them with a polite smile, approaching them with a gentle tone and voice.

"Aki-chan, Haruna-chan, Natsumi-san, I'm sorry I didn't help you out. Since Papa isn't around right now, I thought it'd be best to monitor the team while you guys were cooking their meals." Fuyuppe apologized to them, bowing her head down in sincere guilt.

The considerate girl felt selfish of herself to leave the girls to themselves as she stood her body back up to face them with a remorse glimmering in her space-blue eyes.

"Daijobu, Fuyuppe-san. We had some help. Don't worry!" Haruna gave her a benevolent smile, setting down her tray of onigiri. All the soccer boys started to head over their direction, grabbing for their rags to wipe off their forehead from the exhausting training session between them, eyeing down the food.

— "Do you think you can grab the chairs? They should be in the storage room somewhere. I'll help you."

— "Hai!" Both girls headed off, leaving Aki and Natsumi alone with a sweaty group of exhausted guys and a full course meal next to them.

"Wow! It all looks amazing, you even got curry!" Tsunami pointed out after squeezing a liquid waterfall into his mouth, wiping off the excess drips trailing off of his thin lips with the back of his hand. The team goggled at the nectarous and enticing view of the meals while Fudou, Kidou, and Gouenji were on the sides and near the back, the red cloaked and mohawk headed boy having their arms crossed over their chests, watching their teammates gawk at the food.

Kabeyama was about to lose his patience as his eyes twinkled ravenously at the platter, Haruna and Aki coming back with stacks of chairs in their hands, though they didn't have a secure firm around them after overloading themselves with about more than eight piles of chairs each.

The pile was taller than they were, towering over heads, both of them against to drop them. Luckily, Gouenji and Kidou quickly headed over to them, the platinum blonde helping Fuyuka as the boy with tresses helped his younger sister, grabbing a few chairs off of their hands. Fudou just stood there alone, clicking his tongue.

"Arigatou, onii-chan." Haruna shot a soft smile at her older brother who walked next to her, all four of them bringing over the seats to set them down around the narrow table, it just having enough capacity for about sixteen players to sit around, the managers considering they would just sit at the lone bench underneath the cherry blossom trees and watch the petals flutter around them, gossiping about whatnot.

Kabeyama pushed himself through the crowds as the people up front tried to reach for the food as well, but Natsumi was quick enough to slap their hands away before they made contact with the food. She stood in front of the meals, putting her hands against her hips, thrusting her torso forward to amplify her voice into their thick, impatient skulls.

"Go wash your hands before eating! You just finished training!" Natsumi scowling at them as she pointed her hand and a finger over to the sinks, some of the guys sweat-dropping nervously and taking a step back from her lash of aggravation towards them, letting out groans of disappointment as they tramped away with their heads hung low, others walking with them with a carefree manner.

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