4. Tanjiro and Hashimoto

Start from the beginning

She looked over the ore and the one in the far corner caught her eye. Something about it drew her to it. She trusted her eyes and they had never failed her. This would be the material for her sword.

After they had finished everything that needed to be done, they were allowed to leave the mountain and return to their homes.

Tsukiko was relieved that she could finally go back to Hashimoto's home.

"Tsukiko, are you heading back now?" Tanjiro called out to her from behind. He had gotten finished after she did but Tsukiko's exhaustion slowed her down.

"Yes! I have someone waiting on me to return." At the thought of Hashimoto, Tsukiko looked to the wisteria trees. Tanjiro followed her as she approached one. "Will you be returning to your master's house?"

"I am! I also have someone waiting in me to return." Tanjiro watched her as a drew her sword and cut a small cluster of flowers off the tree. Were they allowed to do that?

"Tsukiko then continued into the trees. Tanjiro gazed after her in confusion. On her return, Tsukiko had a long straight stick to be. It was thick and sturdy enough to support plenty of weight.

"What was that about, Tsukiko?" Tanjiro asks as they begin their walk down the mountain.

Tsukiko brought the wisteria to her nose and smelled it. Taking a moment to savor the scent of the demon repellent.

"The wisteria is for my master. It's a souvenir for him. I am the first in several of his students to survive final selection." A sad look came over Tsukiko's features before she touched her veil. Although she smiled again at the thought of Hashimoto.

"He made this cloth veil for me," she touched the side of it fondly before dropping her hand. "I can only bring proof of his success in return for it."

The love and admiration Tsukiko had for her master was clear on her face. Tanjiro could see it even with the veil across her face.

He glanced ahead of them to see that they were nearing the base of the mountain. Tanjiro's heart twisted at the sight because he was enjoying being with Tsukiko. There was something about her that was warm and calming.

"Is the stick a souvenir for him too?" Tanjiro asks, his voice in earnest question. "He may think you're telling him he needs a cane."

Tsukiko laughed. A full hearty laugh at his words. She couldn't help herself. They had all spent the week not knowing if they would survive the next sunrise. Tanjiro's words were enough to lift her spirits and she needed to laugh.

Tanjiro did not mind at all. In fact, he blushed at the sound of her laughter. Not from embarrassment but from him being the reason behind it. Tanjiro thought that Tsukiko's laugh sounded like bells. He thought it was beautiful just like her eyes.

Tsukiko managed to cease her laughing by the time they reached the base of the mountain. She stopped walking and turned to Tanjiro. They stood there in silence and just looked at one another.

The two had not known each other long and had met briefly. Yet they find themselves drawn to the other. Neither of them wanted to part from each other.

"The walking stick is for you, my friend." Tsukiko thrust the stick into his hands and Tanjiro smiled. Tsukiko was giving him a gift.

"For me?" He asked.

"For you." Tsukiko nodded at him giving a little giggle. There was something about Tanjiro that Tsukiko liked.

"But why?" Tanjiro was just a confused as he was when she went and got it out of the wisteria trees.

Tsukiko taps the side of her head and lifts the veil.

"I have really good eyesight." She winked at Tanjiro before lowering it again. This made Tanjiro blush fiercely and Tsukiko laugh. More bells.

"I can tell how exhausted you are Tanjiro. You're going to need the walking stick."

Tanjiro gripped the stick and nodded. "Thank you!"

He was thankful for the walking stick because he was sure he would need it if Tsukiko said so.

"Be safe on your journey and missions, Tanjiro. I hope to see you soon." Tsukiko gave Tanjiro one last goodbye which he reciprocated.

Tsukiko turned swiftly on her heel and set off for Hashimoto's house. She had to leave before she allowed herself to stand with Tanjiro for too long. Besides, Hashimoto had promised her a big meal when she got back, and she was starving. Tsukiko had somehow managed to not eat the last two days of the final selection. It was the thought of Hashimoto's cooking that kept her going.

On her way back she thought of all the different types of food he made for them. When she first showed up at his house, she had offered to do the cooking and so much more. He had refused her offer for cooking but allowed her to clean among other things.

Now she realized why.

The man was a genius when it came to cooking but was terrible when it came to cleaning. It didn't take long for Tsukiko to notice that the cleaner she kept the house the better the food Hashimoto made.

It was her thinking of her master's cooking that kept her going on the trek home. Each time she thought her legs could not move another step her stomach would grumble.

It seemed like years before she could finally see her master's house. All the energy had drained out of her. Tsukiko could only manage to stand in the tree line under the stars until the wind blew and she could smell it.

Hashimoto's cooking.

It was like someone had stuck a hot coal to her back. Tsukiko lurched forward, limbs fumbling through the yard. She moved swift and fast through the night towards the door.

Her hands stretched out in front ready to help her enter the house. Just as she was about to open the door, it slid open. There in the doorway stood a tall, thin, and lanky silhouette.

It was just like it was two years ago. Tsukiko recalled her words from that day before she spoke.

"I am Eto Tsukiko!" She began. "I have traveled for two days without sleeping to be here!" She pulled the cloth off from over her eyes to gaze at Hashimoto. The man was like a father to her and she would meet his eyes with her own. "Please say you will train me or I will not leave until you do!"

There was silence and stillness between them.

Tears well up in Hashimoto's eyes as he gazes down onto his student. He had spent every day of her absence praying for her return.

Tsukiko is short and Hashimoto is tall. He fell to his knees, dragging her the rest of the way with him, and held her in his arms. Tsukiko wrapped her arms around him and hugged him back.

"I told you I would come back."

Within Her Eyes - Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now