In the scope of the whole battle, Jaune swung his sword Towards the shoulder of Gwen, breaking multiple bones and shattering her aura as nearly dismembering it. From the effect of one sword swing, a great scar drove several metres away from the initial swing, landing itself right on Nebula.

With nebula weakened from Jaune's light shot, all it took was literally a wave of air to blow her down. Jaune stood there in the expanse of the battle, put to exhaustion from that move, he kneeled as he started to treat the wounds of this girl.

Among all the blood and fighting, the last standing team member of NDGO, Octavia could only collapse to her knees as the aura of these two men filled the air. tears welled in her eyes as she couldn't take it, their presence was too strong. In the grand scheme of things, one footsoldier couldn't hold their own against two conquerors.

the Redheaded girl, dropped all her weapons as she complied with full surrender. Praying to the gods that they would treat her team with mercy. She could only wait until her trial.

Rufus ran towards the battle site, bringing with him multiple squads of the new legion of man, swords and axes clanged through the abandoned metro to find the two leaders. It had only been five minuted since the clash between the two and the long silence after multiple explosions and clashes worried him.

Rearing the corner, he could only find two men over the defeated bodies of the 4 huntresses in training. It was truly a sight to behold as Man, the weakest of the humans, defeated what was known as remnant's strongest warriors.

These men were leading everyone to a better future.

"Oh, Rufus you're here? and brought some troops with you? Did you do what I asked?" Jaune asked as if this great moment was nothing to him, Rufus only nodded as the words couldn't come out of his mouth. Jaune smiled at him, "That's great! Let's load up our new prisoners for questioning."

Snapping out of their trance, the militia picked up the unconscious huntresses with Jaune and Cardin escorting the red-headed girl into their custody.

Beacon Academy - The vault:

"W-What's happening here?" Jeanne muttered years of huntress training couldn't prepare them for this, their horrified faces crept up to them and took deep root within their mind.

"I'd like you to be calm, you two." Ozuna asked calmly, "I know this seems... uncharacteristic of a huntress, so to say." Pyrrha zeroed in her feelings of confusion, anger and fear on her, regardless of the huntress status of the woman in front of her.

"What is this--?!" "But I'd like you to know, we had to do this," Ozuna interrupted, tinging the air with her cold demeanour. Intimidating the two prodigies to no end. "I'd like you to take a closer look at them, with a clear mind please."

Joan ad Pyrrha looked at the two, gulping they took another look at the two unconscious elderly women. the two were dressed in rather revealing clothing, covering only their rather private parts. one coloured in yellow and one coloured in green.

The women were beautiful and held a presence of royalty and mysticism. Enchanting them even in their unconscious selves, the one wearing yellow attire, was like the representation of the morning sun, with her sun-kissed skin and shoulder cut brown hair she was like the summer sun.

The one wearing the green attire was a petite, smaller woman than the one before. Joan thought it reminded her of Pyrrha, a graceful woman with the colours of fall on her, especially the red hair, only a tad darker than Pyrrha. her dark skin reminded her of the stretching branches of the tree.

Both of their eyes travelled down to the abdomen they could only be stunned at what they saw, scars littered their stomach, with bruises littering down their legs and arms. a large circle scar surrounding the area of their belly button was the most unusual out of them all.

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