=Not alone=

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Jotaro was worried. Kakyoin had promised to be there the next day, yet he wasn't. He stood up and weakly walked out of his house. Suddenly he saw his grandfather running towards him.

"Jotaro! Jotaro!" Joseph yelled loudly, running towards his kin. He stopped, panting for breath. "I know you are sick, but you must be on guard! An enemy stand user is near! Kakyoin alerted me!" He said

Suspicion itched at him as he backed up. "I thought-" he stopped to sniffle. "I thought there was no more after we defeated Dio! Also how the hell would Kakyoin know?" He growled

"Because... Kakyoin was attacked. She has long blue hair and yellow eyes. She was yelling about him working for Dio and sorts. Seems she hasn't got the news." Joseph said before feelings his grandson grab him by his collar.

Anger filled Jojo as he heard the words coming out of the older Joestar's mouth. "He what!? You couldn't tell me sooner old man!?" Jotaro snapped before letting go. "So what are we supposed to do-" he coughed. "Actually what am I supposed to do. I'm sick, I can't fight." He coughed loudly. He almost fell back but Joseph caught him in a knick of time.

"Go rest. Kakyoin is cleaning himself up and I'll be picking him up." Joseph insisted. "If I find her, I'll bring her here and we can question her. Polnareff and Avdol are in town visiting so they will be with me while I'm fighting."

Jotaro wanted to object but he nodded and walked towards his room. "A stand user... wait, the old man never said anything about her stand ability. Dammit if I run into her I'm screwed." He muttered. He sat on his futon and rubbed his head. Hopefully Kakyoin was okay? Was he being a bother by be sick? Maybe he could try to cook himself something. He pushed himself up and towards the door. He slid the door open and weakly stepped towards the kitchen. Pain ran through his body. He made it to the kitchen and grabbed a can of chicken broth. He felt his body weaken before he fell over, fainting.


Jotaro stared at the ceiling of the hotel, shaking his head. He closed his eyes tightly, memories of Kakyoin playing through his head. He was hoping that Kakyoin would survive. He gripped his stomach, trying to imagine what the other had gone through. He heard his phone ring loudly so he grabbed it and placed it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hello? Is this Jotaro Kugo?" The voice spoke. It was a female's voice. "I am Dr Aki from the Speedwagon Foundation."

"Uh. Yeah. I am Jotaro. What's going on?" He asked. His heart dropped when he heard who the caller was working for. 'Please no.'

"I am calling to inform you about Noriaki Kakyoin."


"I am afraid he-"

Please no

"Didn't make it."


"I am so sorry for your loss."


"O-oh... Alright.. Thank you.." He whispered into the phone, tears rolling down his face. He hung up, shaking. "No. No way. He can't be dead. NO!" He yelled. He curled into a ball, tears streaming down his face. He felt cold hands wrap around him, but nobody was there. He also heard a voice.

"I'll always be here for you. Don't forget me."


Jotaro sat up in a cold sweat, his heart beating out of his chest. He noticed a car slowly stopping outside so he quickly jumped up and brushed himself off. He tried to act like he was okay but he wasn't. Not at all. He felt better with him being sick but he was worried. Worried for Kakyoin. The other was hurt in a battle. He suddenly heard a voice yelling his name. A familiar one. Suddenly Kakyoin ran into the kitchen, a wave of relief hitting him at the sight of Jotaro.

"Jojo! You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing?" Kakyoin asked, staring at the can on the counter.

"I was gonna make myself soup.. are you alright? I heard about the stand attack.." Jotaro said, kicking at the ground. He reached up to pull his hat down before noticing it wasn't there. He looked back and saw it on the floor. 'Must've fallen off when I passed out.' He lifted it up and placed it on his head.

Kakyoin nodded, looking at his arm. "I'm fine. I'll make food for you. You need to.. hey! Your fever went down!" He said, placing a hand against the other's forehead. He smiled and moved his hand away. "Go lay down. I'll check on you when the actual food is done." He chuckled

Jotaro nodded, smiling slightly. He pushed his hat down and turned around. He began walking towards his room. Anytime he was near Kakyoin he felt this strange feeling. Like he wanted to be closer to the male. But why? After all they were best friends. Why would he want anything more? Was he... gay? He had never shown any interest in women. He obviously thought his friend was cute. He thought about the feminine shape of the other's body, how curvy he was.

Meanwhile, Kakyoin had began cooking for his friend. He called out his stand, sighing. "He's been acting odd, right?" He asked his stand. He got a hum of agreement from the stand. "I mean yeah i know he's sick.. but not because of that. I'm talking about around me." He said. He thought about how Jotaro had been acting when they spoke. How he would zone out. How he would speak. How he would.. look... how he- woah was he thinking about the other way more then he intended. Why? Why did the other seem so handsome? Did he like him? He had to admit he was pretty cute. He suddenly heard another hum of confusion.
"Huh? Oh. Sorry." Hierophant Green slowly faded away so Kakyoin could resume cooking. He finished it and poured it into a bowl, placing a spoon in it. He quickly walked towards Jotaro's room, smiling at the fact that he was actually awake. "Ah, you're awake. Here is your food Jojo." He placed it down

Jotaro looked up at the other, smiling a bit. "Thank you Nori." He said, taking it. He grabbed the spoon and dipped it into the hot liquid. He lifted it to his mouth and blew on the soup.

Kakyoin gazed at the raven haired male. His gaze traveled to his lips, his peach colored lips. Kakyoin hadn't noticed he was biting his own lip. He quickly looked up to see Jotaro staring.

Jotaro chuckled as Kakyoin met his gaze. "Keep staring and maybe you're eyes will fall out." He snorted as he sipped the soup. Suddenly the two heard a girl yelling to be let go and familiars voices yelling back. He saw his grandfather open the door and help up a short, pissed off looking girl.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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