Chapter 7- C'mon Spider-Man

Start from the beginning

As much as he didn't want to, he had to ignore the dead bodies that he passed on the floor, he knew he couldn't save them, as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't. He had to prioritise the people who were still breathing and still had a real shot at life.

But, he resolved to try to grab their bodies once he had gotten everyone who was breathing out, he desperately hoped that something could be done, but he knew that chance was all but zero. Still, saying that eased his conscious, and he knew he didn't have a second to waste worrying any further.

With 3 people clung onto him, Peter once again swung down from the building, quickly let go of them and pointed them in the direction of the officials on the scene, he was about to go back into the building when he saw a familiar red and gold suit- Iron Man!

He ran over to the hero, the billionaire had his faceplate up as he talked to a fireman. But, upon noticing Spider-Man, the older hero quickly turned his attention away from the fireman, knowing he could get more useful information out of the spandex-wearing hero.

"Spider-Man!" He exclaimed, "Kid, all of the Avengers are here and most are helping the civilians, is there anything useful you can tell us?" Peter managed to understand what he was saying and quickly responded.

"There are about 80 people left in the building, tell those who can to take the first 20 floors below that logo, I've already covered the floors above that, and I'll take the bottom 10. Once they've got all the citizens from their floors, tell them to evacuate the block as best as they can, evacuate everyone, even officials, the building hasn't got much time left and there's no stopping it,"

The older hero simply nodded, he liked the plan and decided to simply work with the other hero, "Got it, now go save some lives,"

Peter simply nodded and swung back into the building, leaving his elder to talk the plan through his comms.

As the hero ran into his first floor, he pushed all other thoughts away, he just had to save the civilians, not fanboy or feel proud, he'd do that after he'd done his job.

The hero became more and more tired as he carried on through the building, but he simply ignored the feeling, he could collapse later.

After several trips through floors, the vigilante came down to the ground with 4 people clinging onto him, there were 3 people left in his last 2 floors, he had to get to them quickly, he knew that time was ticking away.

When he had landed, a familiar face ran over to him, Hawkeye. The Avenger ushered the civilian's away before facing the vigilante,

"We've got everyone out of our 20, you?"

"Three left, start to evacuate everyone, the building will come down any second, get one of the Avengers to come to the front window of the first to grab the last few citizens, I'll send them there and do one more check over before I come out,"

Peter didn't give the hero a chance to reply, he didn't want his adrenaline to burn out and had to get the civilians to safety as quickly as possible, he turned around and shot a web up to the second floor.

Coughing slightly under his mask, the teen ran through the third floor, there were 2 people left on this floor then 1 more on the one below, he was seriously rushing, he knew the building was getting more unsafe minute by minute.

Suddenly, he spotted the survivors, the two seemed to be college interns, both were crouched beneath different desks,  their arms were wrapped over their head's and their eyes were screwed up tightly, they clearly didn't want their final sight's to be dead bodies and fire.

"YOU TWO!" Peter yelled, at least he tried to, and ran over to the girl to his left.

When she looked up, her eyes flooded with relief, it was Spider-Man, undoubtedly coming to save her.

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