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Jisung's POV

"SHIT" I said and quickly went to the bathroom

I took a quick bath and wore my clothes. What the hell, Han Jisung?! You're fucking late!

I left the house and drove my car to Hanji with high speed. This is really killing me. This is the first time I'm gonna be late and what's annoying? I'm late because I finished this fucking notes! Why did I even designed this argh! Am I trying to show off?

calling Minho...


[Calm down, what happened? Why are you breathing heavily?]

"Shit- Am I fucking late? Argh! Get out of the way you son of- fuck it!"

[No, just drive fast and make sure not to get into an accident. Calm your fucking nerves]

"You fucking alien! Get out of the way!"

[Chill, Jisung]

"How can I? This is the first time I'm going to be late"

[Why are you late, may I ask?]

"I'll talk to you later" I said and ended the call

As soon as I arrived at Hanji, I parked the car and ran inside. I ran to our classroom and the teacher is already there. Fuck it.

"Does someone know where Han Jisung is?" she asked

I opened the door.

"Sorry, I'm late" I apologized and entered the room trying not to breath heavily

"Okay, go to your seat" our history teacher said

Should I give it to her now? Argh! Why am I walking to her direction?! I stopped in front of her and put the notebook on her desk. I quickly went to my friends and sat beside Hyunjin.

"Ah, that's the reason why you're late" Minho teased

"Shut up, Minho" I said and rolled my eyes

"Why do I feel like I'm inlove again?" Chan asked

"Awww, so sweet" Changbin

I just smirked and listened to our teacher. I took a quick glance of Dasom and she just opened the notebook. I saw her smiling while turning all the pages. She's still beautiful- wait?! WHAT- ARGH! Remember, you're mad at her. She cheated and left you. She lied yesterday telling everyone you two broke up before the dating scandal of her and her co-model. She's the reason why you stayed up all night and almost late today. Damn it.

Hyunjin poked my shoulder using his pen "Calling you"

Everyone's staring at me. I stood up.

"Mind if you share what's on your mind?" she asked

"It's a personal matter, Ma'am. I'm sorry for spacing out during your lesson"

"I hope you will now listen. Don't think about anything right now. Just think of our lesson because that's important" she smiled

"Yes, Ma'am. I am really sorry"

"Sit down" she said

I sat down and sighed.

"Stop looking at her" Hyunjin whispered

"I'm not looking at her. Why would I do that?"

"I saw you" he smirked

After our History Class. We all went to the cafeteria. Jeongin, Chan and Felix are ordering our foods. Minkyu said they lost the game and I don't even know what happened. I am really out of my mind.

"I thought you want to stay away from Dasom? What's with the notebook?" Minho asked

"I don't have any choice. That will be the last time I will go near her. The schedule is inside the notebook, her locker key is inside there too also her id"

"Woah hahahaha" Changbin

"Try to give her a chance. Who knows? Maybe it's all worth it" Hyunjin

"Yeah, I agree. I don't think she came here to clean her image. If she wants to clean her imagine she will probably be interviewed at Canada and not here" Minkyu

"Then, why did she lied yesterday?"

"Maybe she was feeling pressured. Those questions are really crazy. She wants to get away from those so she answered it without thinking" Minho

"Hmm. Besides, it's not a sin to forgive someone even though how bad the thing they did to you" Seungmin

"Forget it. I don't want to talk about it"

"Nah, let's talk about it. Give it a try. Talk to her, confront her, face to face. She will feel bad if she will lie in front of you" Changbin

"But I saw her eyes earlier. Looks like she just cried? I'm not sure if she really cried" Hyunjin

"I think she did" Seungmin

"We're here!" Jeongin said and gave us our foods

"Who's treat?" Hyunjin

"Mine" Felix answered and sat beside me

We all started eating and good thing that Chan started a new topic.

"How are you and Jiwon?" Chan asked Changbin

"Pretty fine. Eunji said Jiwon will go home later so I will meet her there" Changbin

"That's good. How about you and Hyejin?" Chan asked Felix

"We're good. We're planning to visit my brother's grave this week. I'm not yet sure" Felix

"How about you and Jia?" Chan asked Minho

"We're fine" Minho

"That's it?" Seungmin

"When are you guys planning to get married?" Chan asked

"After college" Minho

"That's a pretty long time. I guess you can wait for Jia since she's your girlfriend and fiancé at the same time" Chan

"I don't have any choice but to wait for her" Minho

After one hour free time we went to our science lab. Our teacher explained us something and taught us about the experiment we will do next time. I think it's pretty hard. Looking at all the formulas, argh. She gave us some reminders and dismissed the class.

"Go back to our classroom. I have an announcement to make" Jihoo said

We all went to our classroom.

"There will be no class tomorrow according to our guidance councilor. And today you can go home early, all the classes are dismissed" Jihoo

You're not going to see her tomorrow, Jisung. What a blessed day tomorrow.

𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟻 |𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝙹𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐|Where stories live. Discover now